Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Venture Capital Funding Essay

The determinants of Venture Capital Funding: Performance of US Venture Capital Firms against European VCsProblem Statement:Over the last decade, many researchers have praised the influence of Venture Capital (VC) as a key driver of entrepreneurism, start-ups, innovation and economic growth (Da Rin et al., 2006; Cumming, 2014). VC has long been studied and observed in the United States, it is for these positive reasons that the EU have outlined the development of VC as a major policy priority (EVCA, 2001). It is only within the last 20 years that the European Market has moved from being perceived as an â€Å"emerging market† in terms of VC, and that even by the start of the 21st Century, the aggregated investment volume was ˆ12 billion which was less than 25% of the American investment volume at that time (Hege et al., 2003; EVCA, 2001). Due to the relatively recent development of VC in Europe, there is a large gap in the existing research as to the effectiveness and influe nces of VC in Europe. Certainly Popov & Roosenboom, (2013) bemoan the fact that the majority of existing research into venture capital typically focuses its attention on the United States. Thus, there is a real shortage of effective empirical studies into the behaviours and qualities of European VC. Jeng and Wells (2000) support this view, explaining that factors such as the contracting, organisation of VC firms, exit decisions, and â€Å"the peculiarities of Europe† are not fully understood, nor has the features that European markets share with American ones have not been made in strong detail. Thus, this dissertation will provide a comparative study into the American VCs and European VCs. This micro-level study will to address the gap in existing research of the rate of return for VC in the US and the EU, possible the most influential emerging markets for venture financing.Purpose Statement:This research will look to examine the performance of US venture capital firms again st European venture capital firms to identify whether a gap exists between the two groups and to determine whether European VCs ca improve the rates of return from total investment based on funding frequency and other variables. The main objectives of this dissertation are: To determine if there is a gap in the levels of performance amongst American VC and European VC paying particular attention to the type of exit and rate of return. To explore whether any gap could be the result of major differences in the contractual relationship between VCs and startups in these regions or from the use of key tools that assert an active role of VCs in the process of value creation. To identify any relevant policy determinants including regional tax, investment protection/treaty, Intellectual property rights, and financial regulation. To determine whether US VCs have better screening skills than European VCs and whether this produces a higher degree of turning initial investments and funding frequency into successful ventures. Importance of the Study This research looks to address the gap in the existing research into the emergence of VC in European markets, and looks to benchmark this against VCs in the United States. Researchers, data providers, and trade associations have all observed the notable gap in existing research into VC in Europe (Da Rin et al., 2006; Cumming, 2014). Trade associations have even pointed to this gap in understanding as a primary factor that causes them to hesitate with early-stage financing. This dissertation study will also be significant as it will look to provide a critical, microeconomic analysis of the main drivers and influence of successful VCs in America and observe these against VCs in Europe, exploring contractual features and firm characteristics to define and quantify the determinants of VC returns. This will look to address the gap in existing research in the European VC sector and provide a greater understanding of VCs in Europe. Proposed Research Method A combination of quantitate and qualitative research tools will be used to complete this study. Research data will be found using a range of sources, including the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Developmen (OECD) and other key institutions with data on several policy factors. These data sources will provide information on an expansive range of portfolio organizations, key investments and valuations. Quantitative data analysis will be completed using the statistical package software SPSS. The statistical package software benefits the cleaning and transformation of the data. Following the completion of the data collection stage, the researcher will analyse the raw data and assemble the results into a data matrix. This data matrix with contain the details of the study with key information sorted into columns, variable and values. The data matrix will then be used for statistical calculations and used for the analysis of the results. This dataset will allows the researcher to study organisation’s performance in terms of Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of the investment amongst the initial investment to the final value of the firm. This study will also aim to quantify the influence of VCs on project profitability in Europe and compare this to the United states. A valuation-based measure of the rate of return will be used to examine the characteristics of European VCs against US VCs. independent variables to be studied will include age (the time elapsed since the VC raised the first fund), Regional (does the VC only invest in their own country), Companies (the number of companies in the VCs portfolio), Duration (the average investment duration in years), and, finally, the taxation policies of the US and Europe. The following equation will be used to calculate estimated values (V1) for the first stage valuation for all European organizations: Qi = V1i=I1i. Here Qi represents the initial value for company, whereas i is the multiple of the initial investment. The average Qj ratio will be determined of all selected studies. Research Hypotheses The research will also use the following hypotheses: Hypothesis 1: European VCs performance is positively correlated with the rate of return of the investment between the initial investment and the final valuation of the project/firm. Hypothesis 2: increased continuity of VCs engenders a stronger relationship which reduces barriers to financing and will increase returns. Hypothesis 3: European Venture-backed companies could benefit from the presence of alternative investments besides independent VCs. ReferencesBlack, B. S., Gilson, R. J. (1998) ‘Venture capital and the structure of capital markets: banks versus stock markets, Journal of Financial Economics, 47, pp. 243-277. Cumming, D. (2014) Public economics gone wild: Lessons from venture capital, International Review of Financial Analysis, 36, pp. 251-260. Da Rin, M., Nicodano, G., Sembenelli, A. (2006) ‘Public Policy and the reaction of active venture capital markets’, in Journal of Public Economics, 90, pp. 1699-1723. EVCA (2001) A Survey of Private Equity and Venture Capital in Europe, Yearbook 2001 Green, J. (2004) â€Å"Venture capital at a new crossroads†, Journal of Management Development, 23(10), pp. 972 – 976. Hege, U., Palomino, F., Schwienbacher, A. (2003) Determinants of Venture Capital Performance: Europe and the United States, LSE Working Paper, 1, pp. 1-40. Jeng, L. A., Wells, P. C. (2000) ‘The determinants of venture capital funding: evidence across countries’, Journal of Corporate Finance, 6, pp. 241-289. Popov, A., Roosenboom, P. (2013) ‘Venture Capital and New Business Creation’, Journal of Banking & Finance, 37, pp. 4695-4710.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Information Technology Management Emphasis Essay

The Master of Business Administration—Information Technology Management is specifically designed for experienced business professionals and managers seeking upward career mobility in the information technology arena. The program prepares you for a mid-level to upper-level information technology management position in business, industry, and non-profit organizations. MBAITM Understanding the Competency-Based Approach Practically speaking, what does it mean when we say that WGU programs are competencybased? Unlike traditional universities, WGU does not award degrees based on credit hours or on a certain set of required courses. Instead, students earn their degrees by demonstrating their skills, knowledge, and understanding of important concepts through a series of carefully designed assessments. Progress through your degree program is governed, not by classes, but by satisfactory completion of the required assessments that demonstrate your mastery of the competencies. Of course, you will need to engage in learning experiences as you brush up on competencies or develop knowledge and skills in areas in which you may be weak. For this learning and development, WGU has a rich array of learning resources in which you may engage under the direction of your mentor. You will work closely with your mentor to schedule your program for completing the assessments. (We discuss assessments in much more detail later in this guide.) You will work closely with additional faculty members as you proceed through courses of study that are designed to lead you through the content you must master in order to pass individual assessments. The benefit of this competency-based system is that it makes it possible for people who are knowledgeable about a particular subject to make accelerated progress toward completing a WGU degree even if they lack college experience. You may have gained your skills and knowledge of a subject on  the job, accumulated wisdom through years of life experience, or, indeed, took a course on a particular subject. WGU awards a degree to you based on the skills and knowledge that you possess and can demonstrate, not the number of credits you have on your transcript. Accreditation Western Governors University is the only university in the history of American higher education to have earned accreditation from four regional accrediting commissions. WGU’s accreditation was awarded by (1) the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, (2) the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, (3) the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, and (4) the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The university’s accreditation status is now managed by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). The university is also accredited by the Distance Education and Training Council (DETC), and the WGU Teachers College is accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). The nursing programs are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE). The Health Informatics program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM). The Degree Plan The focus of your program is your personalized Degree Plan. The Degree Plan is a detailed blueprint of the learning resources and assessments that comprise your program. The length of your program depends on both the amount of new information you need to learn and the amount of time you plan to devote each week to study. Students will vary widely in the specific skills and information they need to learn. For example, some may be highly knowledgeable in a subject matter and would not need to engage in new learning opportunities. Others may find that portions of the program require completely new learning and that they may need to take an online class or participate in a study module to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to pass the program competencies in that area. Some individuals may be able to devote as little as 15ï€ ­20 hours per week to the program, while others may have more time. For this reason, you will complete pre-assessments to help your mentor form a profile of your prior knowledge and experience for use in creating your Degree Plan. WGU’s Mentoring Approach ]Our mentoring approach is a powerful component of the WGU educational experience. When you enroll at WGU, you will begin interacting with your personal mentor, course mentors, and support staff. Your mentor takes an active role and a personal interest in your success. Whether by e-mail or phone, your mentor will be your ―point personâ€â€" of communication throughout your program. Your mentor will help motivate you to work hard to complete your program. When you have questions or concerns, your mentor team will help you resolve them. You and your mentor will work together to evaluate your educational background, strengths, and weaknesses. With this analysis, your mentors will help determine in which areas you are already competent (and can move quickly to assessment) and areas you need to work on; this will become your personalized Degree Plan. Your mentor will direct you to the Courses of Study that contain the best learning resources for you (courses, texts, independent study modules, etc.) and are supported by course mentors that serve as your content experts for each area of study. As you proceed through your academic program, you and your mentor will determine when you are ready for the required assessments. If you are ready, your assessment will be scheduled. You will follow this same process as you proceed through each domain. Connecting with Other Mentors and Fellow Students As you proceed through your Degree Plan, you may also have direct contact  with other faculty members. These communications can take a variety of forms, including participation in learning communities, office hours via the courses of study, and webinars. As a WGU student, you will have access to your own personal MyWGU Student Portal that will provide a gateway to courses of study, learning communities, and program communities where you will have interactions with faculty and other students. Courses of study and communities are specifically designed to support you as you develop competencies in preparation for your assessments through the utilization of threaded discussions, blogs, and chats that are guided by content experts. You will access your program community during the Education Without Boundaries introductory course to network with peers who are enrolled in your program and to receive continued support through professional enrichment and program-specific chats, blogs, and discussions. WGU also provides a Student Services Associate to help you and your mentor solve any special problems that may arise. Education Without Boundaries Orientation Education Without Boundaries (EWB) is a required orientation that focuses on acquainting the student with WGU’s competency-based model, distance education, technology, and other resources and tools available for students. You will also utilize tutorials, message boards, online MBAITM chats, and other activities to connect with other students in your program. This orientation is completed before you start your first term at WGU. Transferability of Prior College Coursework Because WGU is a competency-based institution, it does not award degrees based on credits but on demonstration of competency. However, if you have completed college coursework at another accredited institution, you may have your transcripts evaluated and may be able to have some lower-division or co-requisite assessments cleared. The guidelines for determining what will  Ã¢â‚¬â€¢clearâ€â€" through transfer vary based on the degree program. The following transfer guidelines generally apply to graduate programs: Graduate domains (i.e., subject areas) cannot be cleared through transfer. Requirements in the domains that can be considered the degree major cannot be cleared through transfer. Furthermore, WGU does not clear any requirements based on the student’s professional experience and does not perform a â€Å"resume review† or â€Å"portfolio review† that will automatically clear any degree requirements. Degree requirements and transferability rules are subject to change in order to keep the degree content relevant and current. Remember, WGU’s competency-based approach lets you take advantage of your knowledge and skills, regardless of how you obtained them. Even when you do not directly receive credit, the knowledge you possess may help you accelerate the time it takes to complete your degree program. Continuous Enrollment, On Time Progress, and Satisfactory Academic Progress WGU is a ―continuous enrollmentâ€â€" institution, which means you will be automatically enrolled in each of your new terms while you are at WGU. Your terms are six months long. Longer terms and continuous enrollment allow you to focus on your studies without the hassle of unnatural breaks between the shorter terms that you would experience in a more traditional environment. At the end of every six-month term, you and your mentor will review the progress you have made and revise your Degree Plan for your next six-month term. WGU requires that students make measurable progress toward the completion of their degree programs every term. We call this On Time Progress – denoting that you are on track and making progress toward on time graduation. As full-time students, graduate students must enroll in at least eight (8) competency units each term, and undergraduate students must enroll in at least twelve (12) competency units each term. Completing at least these minimum enrollments is essential to On Time Progress and serves as a baseline from which you may accelerate your program. We measure your progress based on the assessments you are able to pass, not on your accumulation of credit hours or course grades. Every time you pass an assessment, you are demonstrating that you have mastered skills and knowledge in your degree program. For comparison to traditional grading  systems, passing an assessment means you have demonstrated competency equivalent to a ―Bâ€â€" grade or better. WGU has assigned competency units to each assessment so that we can track your progress through the program. A competency unit is equivalent to one semester credit of learning.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Syntel Success Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Syntel Success - Case Study Example It makes continuous efforts to reap the benefits of new delivery models. Their objective is equally stressed upon in every single Syntel branches in the US as well as in offshore locations. Collaborative environments, excellent use of technologies in business intelligence and warehousing of data, skilled workforce, the strong network of sales and marketing has contributed to success quotient of Syntel for years in international markets. But Syntel could have been far more successful if it had not depended so much on North America for labor arbitrages and vendors. Moreover, in recent times, Syntel has focused more on specific groups or pockets of customers, which is not a wise decision keeping in mind the level of competition in present times. The success of Syntel is due to its development and expansion in IT and healthcare industries as well as worldwide IT- spending. The cultural outlook of US has further helped in the expansion of Syntel. The economic system of Syntel supports an integrated research environment. Besides being one the most developed countries US is also one of the leading countries which have strong IT systems. Thus, being an organization of US, Syntel was blessed with an added advantage over its other competitors across the world. Syntel gets full support of good infrastructure that is used in all parts of US. Its partners include Microsoft, Numerix, SAP, TriZetto, and Global Analytics. Its clients include Pharmaceutical Organizations like CRO, CMO, etc. Syntel is known for providing quality service to more than 2000 customers across the globe on a daily basis. To satisfy its customers, it makes use of latest innovations and technologies which are provided distinctness by experts and professionals of S yntel. What has made Syntel a success, is its comparatively flexible and custom-made procedure of IT and KPO.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Customer Beavior(TWEENS, GEN Y AND GEN X) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Customer Beavior(TWEENS, GEN Y AND GEN X) - Essay Example In most cases; they reach out for information crucial to their lives from the media. Peers and their parents help in defining themselves and their general attitude towards things more. Owing to the age cohort that they belong and that most of their decisions are influenced by their peers. The pertinent worries of how they are to fit in seamlessly and form interactions within their gatherings. The marketers need to come up with a marketing strategy that flows with their identity. With the projection in population, tween marketing cannot afford to escape any marketer worth his salt. Tween is primarily because, in 2013, tweens spent up to $ 51 billion on themselves while their parents spent more than $ 170 billion. According to (Yarrow 111), the average American tween earns close to $ 30.00 per week with the greatest proportion of this spent on fashion. (Yarrow 111- 13) Also asserts that 8 in every ten teens listen to music and 90 percent engaged in on-media consumption. While the modern day tween has shifted interest from toys to fancy gadgets like iPhones and music players, marketing strategies are only bound to change. As they identify, they are seen to be following music, celebrities and are involved with technology a great deal. The technology means their attitude towards marketing strategies like direct mails will not bring as many returns as adaptation of marketers to media involving cell phones and emails. For product development, marketers are encoura ged to uphold this group’s intelligence, not oversell and also be direct in the messaging that is also expected to speak their language (Yarrow 122). An example of a service relevant to this group of spenders is an app that allows them to talk to people, share photos instantly and follows celebrities’ lives instantly at the click of a button. A product that identifies them with their favorite celebrities without passing for copycats would make very promising ventures. also

Saturday, July 27, 2019

MBA Capstone Part 1 Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

MBA Capstone Part 1 - Term Paper Example ership is regarded as such sort of leadership quality based on which the business leaders often use several plans and strategies for accomplishing desired business or operational targets. In this form of leadership, the leaders provide certain vision to the organizations and accordingly strategies are built. This form of leadership skill enables in making effective decisions for the organizations. It also leads towards appropriate use of human resources by understanding the potential skill of the employees. Moreover, strategic leadership often acts as a driving force for the organizations to reach their ultimate goals and objectives. Thus, this form of leadership proves to be highly effective for any organization. It can be apparently observed in this similar concern that Tesla Motors is one of such organizations, which implemented strategic leadership in its business operations for reaping several significant benefits (Harrison & John, 2013; Hill & John, 2012; Drucker, 2008; Collins , 2001). Sustainable strategic management refers to the situation, wherein organizations possess an objective for gaining long-term sustainability in the business markets. In this regard, the organizations also seek for gaining long term competitive advantage through the implementation of strategic management. In this form of management, organizations undertake periodical evaluation and understand the prevailing business market conditions. Sustainable strategic management is quite essential from the perspective of an organization, as this leads in attaining predetermined business or operational targets. Specially mentioning, this sort of management can also be found applicable in Tesla Motors, which supported the company to form, develop as well as maintain long-term sustainable growth in alignment with the prevailing business market settings (Tesla Motors Inc., 2014; Drucker, 2008; Collins, 2001). The arrangements that make by a strategic leader in accordance with the vision and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Winston Churchill Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Winston Churchill - Essay Example In his essay â€Å"Scaffolding of Rhetoric† Churchill wrote: â€Å"Sometimes a slight and not unpleasing stammer or impediment has been of some assistance in securing the attention of the audience†. Over the years of training, Churchill learned to use his voice with the highest level of mastery. He skilfully utilized the means of language such as detailed descriptions, stately sentences, metaphors, analogies, humor, resounding perorations, etc. as well as means of voice performed by influential intonation, which became a part of so-called Churchill's â€Å"personal style†: â€Å"There was imagery, color and history. Churchill crafted an interwoven set of traits that made a unique rhetorical persona... His speeches have a â€Å"Churchill quality†... a â€Å"Churchill approach† to public speaking†. Winston Churchill was also an acknowledged writer and received Nobel Prize a literature, making the language the main actor of his speeches.Among th e other elements of successful public speaking Churchill pointed out thorough preparation, emphatic beginning and focusing on ideas. All his speeches, Churchill prepared personally and beforehand. For many times Winston Churchill rehearsed, rewrote and edited his speeches. He could work out separate phrases for several days, weeks and even months, writing down the most important of them into a special notebook. Churchill admitted that he could not write fast enough and all his speeches were a result of hard work. He said that precise improvisation existed only in the imagination of the audience.

Case study 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case study 2 - Essay Example Demographically, the target market consists of women with varying income levels, and educational backgrounds, while they are generally part of the Gen X and Gen Y markets.2 Psychographically, Singh sees the global market as a composition of independent women who are smart and not afraid to take risks.3 Behaviorally, the markets are differentiated across regions, and to some extent, across nations. Regions are different, in that Asia tends to imitate Western trends, while Eastern Europe is not as similar in beauty trends as Western Europe.4 For example, some Indians want the latest global brand, not the ones based on local trends. Ravi Narayan, the head of South Asia marketing, learned that teenagers are looking for â€Å"the latest color† that they saw being advertised from an â€Å"English serial† without asking about the price.5 The case suggests that because people are more connected nowadays through access to mobile communication and international media,6 some of th em are more open to and identify with global brands. Furthermore, regions can have sharp cultural differences too. For instance, Singh once had to campaign for pricing and packaging to be different for India, where income levels are lower.7 Geographically, Espoir is sold across the globe, specifically in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Asia, North America, and South America.8 Hence, these characteristics show that some customers may react more positively to a global marketing image than others, although the extent and degree of differences in purchasing attitudes and behaviors are under-studied. The essay proceeds to describing five arguments in favor of going ahead with the movie global branding strategy. First, a global branding strategy leverages the opportunities and resources in the global market.9 Second, a global brand can be more cost-efficient and effective than highly differentiated and fragmented local marketing strategies.10 Third, a global brand can reduce brand confusi on across regions and nations, thereby strengthening global brand positioning.11 Fourth, a global brand can also improve international cohesion among managers that can result to global innovations.12 Fifth, a global brand can result to improved global performance because of marketing and functional synergies.13 While there are pros to a global brand, there are also drawbacks. First, a global marketing strategy may oversimplify and overstandardize marketing efforts, at the expense of local cultural differences and local innovations.14 Second, Singh is risking low buy-in among head managers, which can affect the implementation process and success of the headquarters-imposed global marketing campaign. Country heads know their markets best and if they think that there are national or cultural differences, then they may be right.15 Third, Singh does not have a clear role and authority in connection to local marketing s

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Cover Letter Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Cover Letter - Personal Statement Example In these two organizations, I used to give professional advises to the clients regarding insurance and financial; services. I have learned a lot during the working in these three organizations. In terms of leadership experience, I have founded maple Leaf Funds in which I worked as a President of the organization. I have recruited more than 400 volunteers to organize non-profit charity during my entrepreneurship. I have expertly managed allocated and deposited funds. I am very eager to work in your organization as a supply chain summer trainee. I have invited in global young leaders conference organized by UN. My entrepreneurship and leadership skills took the attraction of industrial leaders. In terms of personal skills, I am extravert and I have expertise in open minded communication process. In addition to these, I have proficiency in several analytical software applications. These experiences and my individual skills will help me to justify my request and your selection

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Nursing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4

Nursing - Assignment Example ntage of SOAP is that there is documentation which ensures communication among different health professionals that may be involved in treatment of that patient. This will prevent any misdiagnosis which may be blamed on one health worker only and which may lead to that health worker being sued. In case of anything going wrong for the patient, all the health workers who were involved and integrated by the SOAP will be in trouble but that is rarely the case. The other legal advantage of a SOAP documentation system is that since the documentation is in note form, the progress notes and all other information appear on one page and hence no chances of ignoring part of the notes or not seeing all the notes as a result of missing pages as is common with other traditional documentation systems (Iyer, et al. 2006). This will ensure that non maleficence and beneficence are promoted as no information which may cause harm to the patient will be left without being addressed. This documentation system however has disadvantages too. One of the disadvantages is that every diagnosis is recorded in a different SOAP and this result to redundancy of the work. This may lead to some health workers failing to record all the information which legally amounts to neglect which may cause harm and also ignore the non maleficence code hence charges can be pressed for such a health worker. This is the commonly used documentation system where the patient’s care and treatment information is recorded chronologically over the duration the patient is in hospital or in a health facility (Iyer, et al. 2006). One of its main legal advantages is that it is useful in emergency situations to quickly collect information of patient’s health and treatment interventions necessary. In case anything fails to be recorded or is misreported at that time, the health worker has legal protection as it was an emergency which is allowed by law. Traditional narrative is the system that most health workers are

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Stoning of Soraya M Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Stoning of Soraya M - Essay Example As of 2010, the film had averaged over one million dollars in Box Office and received several awards and nomination to awards.The movie depicts a woman’s life in Sharia governed Iran. The film is directed by Cyrus Nowrasteh and distributed by Roadside Attraction; the book La Femme Lapidà ©e has since been banned in Iran. According to the book, La Femme Lapidà ©e, Ghorban Ali Soraya’s husband wanted to marry a fourteen-year-old girl though he does not want to return Soraya’s dowry nor take the burden of living with two wives. Ali a treacherous prison guard comes up with a scheme to get rid of his wife Soraya M. As the story unfolds, Ali coheres with corrupt village authorities and a widower who Soraya is working for at the time. Soon Ali starts spreading rumors about his wife’s unfaithfulness claiming that she has participated in zinah (adultery). Shortly, Ali drags Soraya out of the house and starts beating her up claiming that she has participated in zi nah. The village authorities soon convene a kangaroo court and Soraya is quickly convicted after the widower corroborates Ali’s story. Eventually Soraya is stoned to death pursuant to Sharia Law that does not condone adultery. Though Ali is now free to marry the fourteen year old girl, he is unable due to his failure to secure the release of the girl’s father from prison.... Freidoune Sahebjam tapes the story with the hope that he can tell it to the whole world. According to Zahra’s tale, Soraya was innocent and was a victim of treachery and inflexible religious ideals. Ali, a prison guard is a man full of perfidy and is abusive to his wife Soraya. He tries to convince the village Mullah to talk to his wife so that Soraya can grant him divorce. All along, Ali’s aim is to have Soraya divorce him so that he can marry a younger wife. Ali has gone ahead and made a deal with the girl’s father who has assured him that if he is able to save him from execution, he will have his young daughter’s hand in marriage (Iran on death penalty, 2013). The village Mullah equally as treacherous and corrupt as Ali tries to seek sexual favors from Soraya under the pretence that he will take care of her and her children. Soon Ali, the village Mullah and the mayor convince Zahra to talk to Soraya so that she can work for a particular widower. Soraya agrees to work but for a fee. Using threats and duplicity, Ali and the village Mullah eventually, manage to manipulate the widower into backing their story that Soraya has committed zinah. According to Sharia, the burden of proof that a person has committed zinah is usually hard and only the widower could have secured it in the case of Soraya (The Koran and adultery, 2006). Soon a rumor is rife that Soraya is unfaithful to Ali and has committed zinah. As the story unfolds, Ali beats up Soraya drugging her through the streets claiming that she is an adulterous woman. Zahra intervenes and asks Ali, the village Mullah, and the town’s mayor to convene at her house to discuss this issue in length. The town’s mayor and the Mullah eventually convene at

Monday, July 22, 2019

Mans Impact on the Environment Essay Example for Free

Mans Impact on the Environment Essay Pollution is the presence or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects. It is created mostly by human actions, but can also be a result of natural disasters. Pollution has a detrimental effect on every living organism in the environment, making it increasingly unsustainable for living organisms in the environment. to sustain life. Pollution harms the Earth’s environment and its inhabitants in many ways. The three main types of pollution are: Land Pollution, Air Pollution and Water Pollution. Read more: Bad Effects of Various Festivals on the Environment Land Pollution Land pollution is the degradation of Earths land surfaces often caused by human activities (industrial, commercial, domestic and agricultural) and their misuse of land resources. Land pollution is caused by the following:- †¢Chemical and nuclear plants †¢Industrial factories †¢Oil refineries †¢Human sewage †¢Oil †¢Mining †¢Littering †¢Overcrowded landfills †¢Deforestation †¢Construction debris †¢Non – biodegradable waste †¢Insecticides and Herbicides Chemical and Nuclear Plants Chemical and nuclear power plants produce waste materials. Some end up in landfills and other less safe storage facilities. Some leak, causing contamination of soil for hundreds of years before it is safe to grow crops on them again. Non – Biodegradable Waste Examples of these include: Mercury and Led. Harmful substances accumulate on the land and in turn become detrimental to the health of organisms not only on land, but animals in the air and in water. Insecticides and Biodegradable Most commonly used in the Agriculture Industry. These artificial methods of ridding plants and animals of pests and insects accumulate in organisms through the food chain which sometimes causes a death in the top consumers which further results in a destruction of the food chains and mutations.

Needs Analysis And Applied Intervention Proposal Physical Education Essay

Needs Analysis And Applied Intervention Proposal Physical Education Essay A client has agreed to take part in our case study and a needs analysis will be completed on their chosen sport. This will be split into three areas and they are psychology, nutrition and physiology. Background information of coach/ performer/ team/sport The participant is a 20 year old male cricketer who represents the Lancashire Cricket Club Academy and has been playing cricket from the age 10. The participant is an accomplished all rounder but his main strength is bowling. Therefore, the intervention proposal is based on the clients bowling. Traditionally, cricket is played in the summer where the bowlers will be required to bowl in hot and humid conditions (Burke et al, 1997). Cricket from a physiological perspective is a prolonged variable intensity team sport (Soo et al, 2007). Players are required to perform multiple bouts of intermittent exercise at near maximal effort, punctuated with intervals of low exercise intensity or rest for the duration of the match (Burke et al 1997; Shi et al, 1998). Acts of bowling, batting and fielding primarily utilize the anaerobic energy system. Players are also required to stand for long periods of time, bending, stopping and squatting. These low-moderate paced exercises require good aerobic fitness (Patel, 2010). The energy demands for fast bowling during one-day cricket suggests that fast bowlers deliver 64 deliveries (60 legal/ 4 wides or no-balls) in approximately 40 minutes. During this time bowlers are expected to run 1.9km in about 5.3miniutes at an average speed of 21.6km-h. When viewed in this context it is apparent that bowling in one day cricket is substantial (Noakes et al, 2000). Noakes Durandt (2000) researched the physiological requirements of international cricket players, they were compared against international rugby players and surprisingly very little difference in physiological attributes was found. The average sprint performance for the bowlers over 35 metres was 5.2 seconds. Therefore, when we test our client their scores can be compared to the literature. The main aim of the client is to take over 60 wickets during the upcoming cricket season where he will play 22 matches. He wants his bowling average to be under 30.00 runs per wicket. This means that he has to concede less runs every time he claims a wicket which will test his bowling accuracy. If he can perform to these expectations he will be in contention for selection for the Lancashire Cricket Club second XI. Needs Analysis From an initial interview with the client, the client identified a number of weaknesses and limitations. Figure 1 The Client felt that during the latter part of his bowling run-up he is slowing down instead of getting faster to increase momentum. His bound (jump) during the critical stage of his bowling action was not satisfactory and felt he needed to bound at a greater height. He feels that his head is falling over to the left hand side after he has delivered the ball. He needs to improve his accuracy, he feels as if the ball is controlling him rather than him controlling the ball. He has been getting reoccurring calf pains and he needs to treat it on a day to day basis. He feels pain in his left calf at the end of days play. He feels he needs to improve his arm speed to help him deliver the ball with greater velocity. He doesnt have the confidence to deliver the ball with pace and accuracy. He feels he needs to sacrifice his maximum bowling pace for accuracy He gets deflated when a batsman is dominating him during a spell of his bowling and finds it difficult to bounce back. (Anxiety and Self confidence) As the clients origin is Indian, He consumes Indian food. He feels his current diet is hindering his BMI and physique due to the increased fat intake such as fried rice and chicken tikka curries. However, he has no choice but to eat these types of foods in order to satisfy his culture and his family. Figure 2: Baseline test scores for Physiology Test Mean Score Standing Vertical Jump (cm) 59.2 Arm Power (Hand Grip Dynamometer) (kg) 51.4 10 meter sprint (sec) 1.4249 20 meter sprint (sec) 2.9066 30 meter sprint (sec) 4.8560 Figure 2 shows the baseline test scores that were carried out at the University Of Leicester cricket ground (See appendix for pictures). The hand grip dynamometer was used to measure arm power because it is widely known that hand grip strength is a possible predictor for overall body strength, including arm strength. But little information was available regarding this. Smith et al (2005) reported a correlation in grip strength and overall body strength. Our client scored a vertical jump score of 59.2cm which in comparison to the norm data for 16-20 years it is ranked as above average (Davies et al 2000). However when comparing to elite performers our client ranks in the lowest 40% for male elite athletes (Chu, 1996). It has also been reported that the average jump height for an Academy level pace bowler is 60.5cm (Gore, 2000). Figure 2 show that our client does not meet the suggested values for vertical jump. Therefore, there is a deficiency in their leg power. This supports the needs analysis about the clients bound (jump) during the critical stage of their bowling action. The client feels that they need to execute their bound at a greater height. Figure 3: Nutritional Test/food Dairy Value Mean Score Skinfold Body fat estimate Durnin and Wolmersley  (1974) Equation 19% Body mass index 14.1% Mean daily Calorie intake (non training) 2360 Mean daily Calorie intake (Training) 1458 Figure 3 shows that the bowler needs to reduce their body fat % from 19% to 12%. It has been suggested that a cricketer needs to have a body fat % of around 12-14% (Noakes et al, 2000.). Therefore, setting a weight goal would be appropriate. The target body weight formula allows you to determine your target body weight and the formula is used by athletes who want to reduce their body fat percentage (Macedonia et al, 2009). Figure 4: The Clients 5 Day Calorie intake Calories (kcal) Carbohydrates % Proteins % Fats % 30th October 2295.6 53.57 22.17 24.26 31st October 1817.4 36.73 24.66 38.61 1st November 2113 79.62 7.87 12.51 2nd November 2672.9 61.53 9.73 28.74 3rd November 1099.8 69.53 12.75 17.72 Current Non Training day intake Current Training day intake Figure 4.1: Mean intake of grams consumed for training and non training days Mean Intake in grams per day Carbohydrates Proteins Fats Non training 347.83g 84.83g 81.67g Training 163.95g 61.58g 55.6g Figure 4 and 4.1 show the clients total calorie intake, the percentage of each food category that they consume and the amount of grams they consume for each food category. Figure 5: Cunningham Formula CUNNINGHAM FORMULA: 500+ (22X FFM in kg) = RMR 500+ (22 x 63.99) = RMR Resting Metabolic Rate = 1907 KCAL Figure 5 shows The Cunningham Formula which is a prediction equation that is considered one of the best ways to estimate Resting Metabolic Rate for athletes because it incorporates body composition. This would be useful for the Bowler to calculate so he can consume the right amount of calories on his non-training days (Macedonia et al, 2009). Figure 5.1: Target Body weight Current weight: 173.8lbs Fat Free Mass: 140.8lbs Current Body Fat%: 19% Recommended Body Fat: 12% Figure 5.1 shows the target body weight the client has to achieve in order to reach the recommended body fat % value (see appendix for calculation). Figure 5.2: Target weight Formula: Target Body Weight = current fat-free mass / (1- % desired body fat) 140.8 / (1 0.12) 140.8/ 0.88 = 163.4lbs 173.8 163.4 lbs = 10.4 lbs Target weight loss= 10.4 lbs Figure 5.1 illustrates the target weight formula and shows that the bowler needs to reduce 10.4 lbs of fat free mass to reach his goal of 12% body fat (See appendix for calculation). Figure 5.3: Calories Needed to build muscle and lose fat Goal Gender Total Calories To gain Muscle Mass and lose muscle mass simultaneously Male Baseline Kcal plus 300 1907.08 kcal + 300 = 2207.08 Figure 5.3 shows the clients calorie intake for their training day. Their baseline Kcal is their RMR (see Figure 5). In order to gain muscle and lose fat the athlete has to increase their calorie intake by 300 kcal from their RMR. The revised calorie intake can be used during their training day. Therefore, the athlete has an accurate reading of the amount of calories they can consume during their training and non training days (Macedonia et al, 2009). Figure 6 Non Training Day Calorie Intake 1907 kcal: Grams (g) during Non Training Day 65% of Carbohydrates of 1907 Kcal: 1240 kcal 1240/4= 310g 12% of Proteins of 1907 Kcal: 229 kcal 229/4= 57g 20% Of Fats of 1907 Kcal: 381 kcal 381/9= 42g 3% of Micronutrients of 1907 kcal: 57 Kcal Figure 6.1 Training Day Calorie Intake 2207 kcal: Grams (g) during Training Day 70% of Carbohydrates of 2207 Kcal: 1545 kcal 1545/4= 386.2g 15% of Proteins of 2207 Kcal: 331 Kcal 331/4= 83g 12% Of Fats of 2207 Kcal: 265 Kcal 265/9= 29g 3% of Micronutrients of 2207 kcal: 66 Kcal Figure 6 and 6.1 shows the total amount of calories the Fast Bowler needs to consume during his training and non training days in order to reach his goals (See Needs Analysis, Figure 1). Figure 7: Psychology CSAI-2 Questionnaire Score Cognitive anxiety 19/36 Somatic anxiety 18/36 Self-confidence 29/36 It has been reported that for team sports, athletes should have CSAI-2 values lower than 18 out of 36 in terms of Cognitive anxiety, 16 out of 36 for somatic anxiety and they should score higher than 24 for Self Confidence (Martens et al, 2000). Our client does not meet the suggested values for somatic and cognitive anxiety (19 Cognitive, 18 Somatic). This supports the clients weakness of getting deflated when a batsman is dominating him during a spell of his bowling and how he finds it difficult to bounce back. The Clients Weaknesses The Client leg power needs to be improved (See Figure 2). The client is consuming a big proportion of fats in their diet. This can be shown in their body fat percentage and their current fat percentage intake (See Figure 4). The clients somatic anxiety is higher than it should be (See Figure 7). Identification of areas for improvement Physiology It is important for cricketers, especially bowlers, to have high levels of strength and power in their legs. Pyne et al (2006) suggested that static jump performance and arm length correlated positively with bowling speed and performance. Our client had a mean score of 59.2cm in the vertical jump test and the average for an Academy level pace bowler is 60.5cm (Gore, 2000) Therefore, we have decided to look at improving the clients leg power to improve bowling speed and performance. Our client will need to alter his diet to cope with the stresses of the intervention that will have on his body. A sustained high protein diet is needed to repair the damage inflicted on the muscles (Stevens, 2010). Nutrition Having a low body fat percentage is important in modern day Cricket due to the high physical demands of the sport. Noakes Durandt (2000) suggested that fast bowlers need to have a body fat percentage of around 12-14%. Our client falls short of this target (See Figure 3). It has been reported that fast bowlers in particular, benefit from low levels of body fat. A lower body fat composition helps a bowler, bowl faster, be more agile, have increased stamina so they can bowl for longer spells and be more tolerable of the heat (Meltzer et al, 2005). In terms of carbohydrates our client needs to consume 60-70% of their daily energy intake. In the 5 days assessed our client reached that value for 3 of the 5 days (see figure 4). In terms of the clients protein intake, the recommended percentage for athletes is about is 12-15% or 1.4-1.7g protein. Kg-1 body mass. Day -1. In the 5 days assessed our client exceeded the recommended value for 2 of the 5 days and they were under the value from 2 of the 5 days. Protein is important for strength athletes assuming that the total energy intake is sufficient to cover their high daily expenditure and the remaining energy is provided by fats (Lemon et al, 1991). Psychology We are looking at lowering our clients anxiety levels and primarily focusing on lowering his somatic anxiety. It is recommended for any sport a player needs to score 18/36 or higher for the CSAI-2 questionnaire (Martens et al, 2000). The client scored in the CSAI-2 Questionnaire. Therefore, we are primarily looking at lowering his somatic anxiety. However, the proposed intervention should decrease cognitive anxiety which is borderline to what is required at present. Anxiety has a negative effect on performance. This is explained by a process called the processing efficiency theory (Eysenck et al, 1992). The theory states that when an athlete becomes anxious, the athlete strives to work harder and exerts an increased effort in order to overcome their anxiety. The increased effort has a detrimental effect in their execution of their technique. There gets to a point where the athlete cant cope with the psychological rigors of carrying out the skill and ends up giving up. Therefore, we n eed to lower our clients somatic anxiety as it will improve our clients physiological responses. Communication Model and Outline of Intervention The information regarding the intervention will be passed onto our client via weekly meetings. A meeting will take place before the intervention and will involve us, the client and the coach; we will discuss whether the client wants the coach present. The logistics of the intervention and how the intervention will improve the clients performance will also be discussed at the meeting. The Intervention will be over 8 weeks and involve plyometric training. The reason for having the intervention for 8 weeks is because it has been reported that to get any improvement in performance at least 8 weeks of plyometric and strength training needs to be completed (Fletcher, 2004). Plyometrics are being used to develop leg power as it has been widely reported that plyometrics has improved leg strength (Blakely et al, 1987). To lower the clients anxiety levels he will undertake relaxation techniques including self talk and goal setting techniques as they have been found to lower anxiety (Fletcher et al, 2001). The client will have the freedom to undertake these techniques anytime during the intervention when the client and the coach feel necessary. The client will also use imagery when he feels his technique is declining due to the batsman dominating them during a spell of bowling. This will help reduce the clients anxiety which is having a negative effect on his technique. Imagery helps re-run the predicted patterns of movements and this will make the client more comfortable to a real life bowling situation (Hale et al, 1998). The client will be given a food diary at the beginning of the 8 week intervention so they can complete it accordingly. This will be reassessed after the 8 week intervention to see if they have been following the recommended calorie intake values for training and non training days (see figure 6 and 6.1). They will also be given a rough eating plan on their training and non training days. They dont have to follow it specifically but it gives them a guideline on what types of food they need to consume. (See appendix for eating plans) Data gathered from the intervention along with pre and post testing will be shown to the client. If the client wants his coach to analyse the data then it will be provided for the coach to examine. Before testing, written informed consent and a medical history questionnaire were completed by the participant (Copies can be found in the appendix). Interaction of intervention with other aspects of performance It has been reported that strength training has an effect on anxiety. Tsutsumi et al (1998) reported that a group of athletes undertook strength training and found out they had lower levels of anxiety compared to a group who didnt take part in any strength training. The introduction of plyometrics training will improve his leg power which in turn will improve his sprint speed (Maulder, 2004). Research suggests that consumption of certain foods intervene the performance of certain physiological parameters. The Vo2 max and body fat percentage was measured in elite South African cricketers; 13% body fat (Noakes et al, 2000). We also are aware that any improvements in performance could be down to any of the exercises that the client completes during the intervention

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Global Issues in the Modern Day

Global Issues in the Modern Day Min Yong Chun Four Global Issues Table of Contents Introduction Virus Attack Water Scarcity Malaria Digital Divide Conclusion Reference Introduction The Four global issues chosen were virus attack, malaria, digital dive and water scarcity. These 4 global issues have something in common which is that they are increasing affecting the world nowadays. Virus attack was chosen for the reason to inform the readers how the prevention could be done since people are not familiar with the solution or avoidance. Malaria was chosen since it has been a big case in the world for the perfect vaccine to cure the disease is not found yet and to write about how serious it is especially in Africa. Water scarcity was chosen to write and inform the readers on how important this issue is to the global economy and lastly digital divide was chosen to explain to the readers on how the poor country is compared to the rich people. The purpose of the research was to explain with accurate information. This report will discuss the reasons of how these 4 global issues are caused and its effect. In the last part solutions will be provided on how these issues co uld be avoided. Virus Attack Computer virus is a malware program or an undesirable code when executed, duplicates by inserting copies of it into data files, hard drives and other computer parts. It is said that virus often performs an inimical activity corrupting data files, stealing files and the ability to control one’s gadgets (Brian). The causes of virus attack are through the use of internet, removable storage device, and E-mail. Internet is the fastest and the easiest way that virus can spread due to links that automatically downloads virus such as clicking advertisement in a webpage. Followed by E-mails such as SPAM mails and devices such as USB and hard drive can carry virus which was originated from different computer which were infected through virus (Brian). One of the most common and deadliest viruses is Trojan, Spyware and Worms. Because of these viruses multiplying or entering electronic gadgets, the virus immediately seeks for other host that can be infected. Once the virus spread into the device, they transfer controls to the application program they tainted giving the ability of the virus creator to steal or files and the capability of destroying the computer. Virus attack currently cause billions of dollars’ worth of economic damage each year due to wasting computer resources, data corruption, increasing od maintenance cost and causing system failure (Bell). The first virus attacking incident happened in the late 1970s when it infected ARPANET which is a large network used by Defence Department (Beal). Water Scarcity Water scarcity also called water crisis is the lack of sufficient water available to meet the wants of water usage within the country. The earth is covered up with 70% water and the freshwater makes up a very small portion which is only 2.5% of the total amount of water available (â€Å"Fresh Water Crisis†). Water scarcity can be a result of two mechanisms, physical and economic water scarcity. Physical water scarcity is due to the uncontrolled natural water supply to peoples demand such as overpopulation, climate change and other natural calamities where in economic water scarcity is the outcome of poor management of the sufficient water available to the people such as the factories polluting the biodiversity and people wasting or over using the water. Water scarcity may give negative effect to the community (WWF). When fresh water is not available to the people, they get disease from drinking contaminated water and in fact, 3.1 million people die each year from water related disease. Lack of fresh water also means less water to plant the crops causing the food supply to decrease that result to constant huger. Water scarcity can cause poverty for the clean water decreases and the price or the value has also increased which can lead people to poverty (National Geographic). Example of a countries suffering from water scarcity is mostly from the Africa. It was not due to physical but because of the economic water scarcity which could not follow up the needs to the people. If no actions are implemented, in 2025 the fresh water will decrease 1% which will be greatly affect the nation worldwide (â€Å"National Geographics†). Malaria Malaria is an infectious disease for human and other animals caused by parasitic protozoans called Plasmodium and is transmitted through particular mosquito which is the Anopheles mosquito (Mangan). Female Anopheles mosquito is simply the only mosquito that transmits malaria. Specific time is given when the mosquito is particularly active which is 9pm and 5am. The cause of malaria is simply when someone is staying outside where mosquitos are present and usually tourist people are common to get the disease for they stay outside for too long and is commonly found in Africa. Malaria infections are identified by paroxysms or recurrent attack that develop into a three stage. The first stage is the development of chills plus headache. In stage 2, the infected person’s skin may become hot and dry while having a fever. As the temperature drops, stage 3 begins by feeling extreme fatigue and weak while sweating. Within 10 to 15 days, these symptoms are generally spotted. There are some serious cases when infected person will not get a treatment, it can lead to death for the reason that the bones in the body system will weaken. It was also found that cerebral malaria could occur if the blood vessels in the brain are blocked with the infected blood cells. As a result it can lead to swelling of the brain and brain damage. In worst case, after getting bitten by the mosquito, death may strike in a couple of hours. In a survey, it was stated that people die every minute because of being infected by malaria (â€Å"Malaria QA†). Digital Divide Digital divide is a social and economic issue referring to the opposite amount of information between those who have access to the internet. It is also used to describe the discrepancy between people who do not have the resources and access to the technology (Beal). Digital divide also describes the people those who have the knowledge, abilities and skills from those living in rural and urban areas between educated and uneducated. The main cause of digital divide was due to the gap of developing countries and developed countries. The rich countries which had the power to adapt the new technologies has become more developed while the poor countries having inefficient money had a failure in purchasing the technologies which had pushed the chance of development of the countries itself. Other cause could be the education system. For the successful society, they mainly focus on the education making students becoming the future developers of the countries while developing countries not giv ing that much importance for the educational system lack the skills to create students who could change the society (Rapaport). Because of the digital divide bring the gap between the rich and the poor, which leads discrimination. The poor countries would not be able to follow up the rich country in the near future. Competition could not be attempted for the lack of facilities the poor countries have and the developed country would mind only to their development leading to imbalance to the world economy. In addition, the country that lacks with technologies lacks the knowledge to teach the usage of the technology making the country not developed. It would be hard for the poor countries to enter the global market and when foreign investors comes to the developing countries, the tariffs are lowered which free trade will be done. However, this method can help the rich countries richer which means to say that there are possible advantages of digital divide (James). Conclusion To sum up, the 4 global issues have been discussed and were explained with the information gathered from the internet such as journal, journal articles, statistics and other webpages. Computer virus is commonly used for hackers to get personal files. However there might be several ways on how a virus can attack a gadget but there are also several ways a person could avoid virus attack. The best solution for virus attack is to download a virus killing system which could detect viruses before entering to any parts of the computer. In addition, people should be extra careful and should have the knowledge whether they should enter a certain website and when using a USB, the user should always remember to scan before activating and should safety remove the USB. Water scarcity has been a problem to the nation and fresh water is decreasing. Physical and economical water scarcities are done and when this continues there would be insufficient fresh water for people. The best solution that could reduce the scarcity of water is by protecting the available wetland (WWF). By protecting the wetland it can lead to less pollution to the biodiversity and can let the people know the importance of water. In addition, in the future scientist must find a ways Methods used to prevent malaria are when sleeping, people should use mosquito nets which prevents mosquitoes to enter the place where the people are sleeping. Currently there is no vaccine for malaria to be cured 100% but some medications are believed to prevent mosquitos to bite such as putting anti mosquito lotion on the skin when going out door. This depends on how one individual take care of them. Despite there are some advantages, the disadvantages outweighs the possible advantages. The gap will continue none unless the government in the poor country invest money to the development of their own country. There are possible global solutions which could be done. Number one is economic equality. For instance, many work related tasks are done online, and completion of the work may not be done due to the lack of access of internet to work up with the company standard. And the government should invest more on the educational system to create workers of the country. Reference Beal Vangie. â€Å"Computer Virus.† Webopedia. QuinStreet Inc. 2014. Web. 2 November 2014. Marshall Brian and Fenlon Wesley. â€Å"How Computer Virus Work.† HowStuffWorks. HowStuffWorks. 2014. Web. 2 November 2014 WWF. â€Å"Water Scarcity.† WWF. World Wildlife Fund. 2014. Web. 3 November 2014. National Geographic. â€Å"Freshwater Crisis.† National Geographic. National Geographic Society. 2014. Web. 3 November 2014. Mangan Tricia. â€Å"Symptoms and Effect of Malaria.† Livestrong. Demand Media Inc. 28 July 2011. Web. 2 November 2014. Malaria QA. â€Å"Malaria Effects on the Body.† Malaria. 11 April 2011. Web. 3 November 2014. Rapaport Richard. â€Å"A Short History of the Digital Divide.† Edutopia. The George Lucas Educational Foundation. 27 October 2009. Web. 3 November 2014. Internet World Stats. â€Å"The Digital Divide.† InternetWorldStats. Internet World Stats Inc. 25 June 2011. Web. 3 November 2014.  November 3, 2014

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay on Greed for Power and Money in Catch-22 -- Catch-22

Greed for Power and Money in Catch-22    Although Catch-22 is a novel that entirely takes place at war, the book uses comedy to emphasize the physical and emotional pain of war. The novel shows us how people are changed by war and how their focuses are changed through different experiences. Many of the people in the book are disgusted by their commanding officers and the conditions around them. Joseph Heller served in the war and witnessed crazy occurrences and met strange people like those in the book. By reading the novel, we can see that he strongly disliked war. There are many themes in the novel, two of the main themes are the greed for power and money.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Power greed is a major theme in Catch-22. There are many characters who put others aside for their own gain of power. Perhaps the most notorious power greedy character in the book is Colonel Cathcart. Colonel Cathcart desperately wants to be a major. If he is promoted, he will have much more power, and the power is what he wants. Cathcart is constantly raising the number of missions the pilots and bombardiers must complete to be discharged. Cathcart raises the missions to appeal the commanding officers. The men vehemently hate Cathcart for doing this because it changes their lives. Every time they think they are near being freed from the war, he raises the missions and ruins their plans. The problem with Cathcart is that he is competitive, and only thinks of how he is doing in comparison to how others are doing. He knew that most all men his age were not majors, so his only purpose was to become a major at his young age of 36. He would do anything to those below him to achieve major status.      Ã‚  Ã‚  &nbs... ...plating sticking wire between the men's wrists and hips. He wanted to surgically install copper wiring so that the men did not move their arms while marching, but forgot about it only after realizing that the wire and surgery would cost too much and the men could not fall down drunk at the end of the parade. Scheisskopf thought of the men as toy soldiers that he could manipulate in any way so that he could be the greatest march coordinator ever. He wanted to manipulate them only so he could be famous and move up in rank to General.    . There are many themes in Catch 22, two of the main themes are the greed for power and money. The greed for power and money takes control of many men in this novel. These men are presented to send a clear message.   Heller is saying that war is a terrible thing because it corrupts people and confuses them.      

Friday, July 19, 2019

Childrens Songs Popularity in 1918 :: Influenza Songs Essays

Children's Songs' Popularity in 1918 A brief review of the historical year of 1918 when people were informed to take precaution against influenza, while their children came up with a catchy tune for the "worst epidemic the United States has ever known"1 and comparing it with the influenza of today. PHILADELPHIA-- I had a little bird, Its name was Enza, I opened the window In 'flu' Enza. What is the truth behind the song mentioned above that children sing so often during those days? Ironic how the soldiers who came home from the war not only brought life, for they came back alive, but also brought what will soon become the death of so many. It all started in March of the year 1918 in which at Fort Riley located in the state of Kansas, an Army private reported symptoms such as headache, fever, as well as sore throat. It seemed like mild symptoms but by noon the count of soldiers who were ill of the same symptoms totaled up to one-hundred.2 Doctors everywhere were puzzled about what might be causing this illness. What soon came to be known as the Spanish influenza came also to be known as the "worst epidemic the United States has ever known." More soldiers from the war died from this influenza than from combat on the field. One of the earliest victims of the flu came from sailors who resided on the Receiving Ship at Commonwealth Pier in Boston (August 1918) in which the situation gave the flu the advantage of eventually spreading throughout the civilian population. But of course, people were first advised that there was nothing to worry about. According to "Dr. William Hassler, Chief of San Francisco's Board of Health had gone so far as to predict that the flu would not even reach the city."3 But within such urban, crowded cities such as Boston and Philadelphia, it was inevitable that this illness would turn into an epidemic. In Philadelphia of September 1918, new cases of influenza were recorded from the civilian population days after a parade. As a result, Philadelphia was forced to admit that the city has fallen under the Spanish influenza epidemic.4 The severity of this epidemic began to become apparent and so precautions were made--any public places in which crowds of people were able to accumulate were considered "off limits.

From Chiapas with Love Essay -- Graduate Law Admissions Essays

From Chiapas with Love One of the first mistakes I made in coming to IU was thinking that simply by studying I could understand the lives of people. I thought that if I learned enough- read enough books, talked to enough professors, attended enough forums, and developed my ability to artfully use jargon, I'd be powerful and wise before I knew it. The next mistake I made was to decide to study the Zapatistas. As I was soon to discover, the movement which has grown up around the Zapatista Army of National Liberation in Mexico is not something that can be studied, used, and forgotten. It is something that eats its way into you until you can't extricate yourself from it without seriously damaging who you are. These two bumbles led me, in my third year of university studies, to ask the IU Honors College for money to go to Chiapas to live in an autonomous community. I planned to study the people-their society, their culture, and their situation in the world. I thought it would be a nice way to top off my degree in Anthropology-an honors thesis, and something that could definitely be called an "international experience". Getting to Mexico was an international experience all in itself. I spent three days traveling through a foreign country before I reached the Mexican border. The country in which I was born seemed, in the full flower of September 11th hysteria, far more foreign than anything I could imagine down in the depths of the jungles of Southeast Mexico. After five days on buses of all shapes, sizes, and smells, I arrived in Chiapas, the Southeastern-most State in the Republic of Mexico. What I found there has left me, I think, a little outside the bounds of "appropriate distance" i... ...discomfort. I'm supposed to be a better person, and more adult. I can't say that. I'm ill-at-ease, pensive, and constantly seeing the faces of the people I know there in my dreams; hearing their voices telling their stories through my throat. I'm deeply uncomfortable in the world I live in, and I think about our future, the world's future, every day. I cry at night out of helplessness. I can tell you, my reader, that I learned from my time in Chiapas. I learned the most important lesson of my "university experience" there, from people who didn't understand what graduate school was. So here it is. After all, that's what the university is about, right? Sharing knowledge. Education provides the tools. It can never provide the quest. People tell their own stories best, and dignity is what you have left when everything else has been taken from you.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Generational Wealth and Economics: Analysis

Today African American communities are falling apart tremendously. Crime is rising; children are killing more than they are working. Economics are lowering; people tend to spend their money in other communities where businesses look more professional than that of their own, and families are fighting over material things that do not have value or meaning. There is also a rise in welfare, section eight housing, abortion, credit card and calling card charges, and layaway spending that keeps an individual in bondage; bondage of his mind. I would like to suggest that there is a lack of generational wealth in the African-American community. The lack of generational wealth is a direct result of our knowledge of economics and understanding economics. In order to understand the two, generational wealth and economics, you first have to go back to the beginning of time when God created the man and woman (Adam and Eve) and gave them their job description. In the book of Genesis the first chapter and the 28th verse, God said, â€Å"Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth. And God also said, â€Å"See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food† (Question about Quoting Bible). At this time God gave a charge to Adam and Eve giving them dominion. They were producers of the world. But when they decided to mess up in the garden by eating the forbidden fruit, they went from being producers into being consumers. This is one of the problems today in the black community. Out of a lack of understanding of who we are and what our purpose is, we consume all things of others but rarely move into the understanding of producing our own. In this light, increasing the number of blacks in ownership positions appears to be an important prerequisite for ending black community unrest (McKersie pg 84). If blacks are upset because they lack control over the institutions of their community, because they are charged high prices for inferior merchandise, victimized by credit racketeers, and exploited by employers, then perhaps some would argue, greater black ownership will help end this condition. If the black community lacks leadership and a stable middle class, then enlarging the number of black entrepreneurs may provide such leadership and foster stability. If the problem is lack of racial confidence, the success of black capitalists would build pride. Today in the black community, crime is rising; children are killing children and spending more money in the communities than their parents. There is an increasing number of males killing for what they think are respect. There is also a mindset on children that, it is better to kill, steal, and destroy, to get what is gratifying to self. Children have become lazy. They have depended on the former generations to get things done rather than them. Today also, there is an increased number of welfare, section 8 housing, and abortion participants, which are considered to be popular in the community. This is nothing but bondage. Society has a way of keeping people focused on minor issues and making them think that they are major. Welfare is not a major problem but rather one that is minor. The major problem today, which has always been a problem, is economics. Economics is a problem because many African Americans don†t know what economics are and how to manage it. Out of one†s lack of understanding the economical breakdown of society, he cannot teach his child about generational wealth. Generational wealth is what a family has accumulated over its lifetime along with those resources that have been inherited across generations. Generational wealth is not riches. When one is rich, they are materially content for the moment but not necessarily content in their private lives. One who is just rich, will become a private failure but public success. In essence, riches are the successes of the world. On the other hand, wealth is generated through the family unit and is passed down generationally. In Proverbs 13:22, it reads, a good man leaves an inheritance to his children†s children. In order for one to truly understand generational wealth, he must first understand economics and vice versa. Economics is the study of heart and wallet. Meaning, if you want to touch people, you have to reach them in their pockets. Matthew 6:21 states, â€Å"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Let†s break down economics. The Greek meaning of the word echo means family. Therefore, economics is the study of the family management. This is so awesome that God decided to give us an assignment in His daily word. In Luke 19:13, God says, â€Å"do business until I return. † He didn†t just throw business in there for anything. To do business until God return means, to occupy; take dominion; handle things in decency and in order to the word of God. Sad to say, but some people only understand economics when it comes to selling drugs. Young men and even some young women understand that you can buy large quantities of drugs at wholesale and make profit by way of retail. On the other hand, if you ask them to turn the television to the stock market channel and decipher the information run on the station, they can†t even relate. So when do we come to an understanding that there is a world wide problem of the family unit that is affecting our economics? One of the major problems in the black community is that everyone is out for self. We have gained a mindset that everyone is supposed to work for his or her own stuff and keep their stuff to themselves. Out of understanding who you are, you understand that the father is the one who formulate the vision, the son is the one who demonstrates the vision, while the grandson authenticates the vision. It takes the fortitude of a father to persevere through the storm of formulation. It takes the zeal of a son to pay the cost of demonstration. It takes the integrity of a grandson to handle the glory of authentication. There are a lot of individuals who don†t understand this so, therefore they operate trying to be the father, son, and grandson. This brings about the mindset of selfish thinking and single generational. Thinking selfishly and single families operate in false wisdom. For example, when most children turn 18, they are kicked out of the house and told by their parents that they are grown enough to make it on their own, but was never equipped to pay their bills and even maintain their payments. Therefore we have a generation that had already achieved their successes, forcing our children to grow up in a fast paced society that prefers self-gratification, without restraint. The family exists at the heart of every society†¦ No society has succeeded without it. But today we see a fraying of all connections that have defined our families. We are neglecting our children emotionally and educationally, marriage is increasingly unstable, we are slipping deeper and deeper into acceptance of violence, and we are absorbed into materialism and competitiveness. If we allow these trends to continue, there lie ahead, families that slip further into chaos. As you can see, we are living in a time where there is much help needed. It is time for African-Americans to wake up and take the dominion that God has given them. It is also, time out for just talking about the decay of the community but rather offer solutions to the problems of the community. Having been empowered to understand that true wealth and economics is generated through the family unit and is passed down generationally, one has the ability to empower another so that we can move forward to begin building our communities economically, emotionally, and physically. I pray that this empowerment will not inspire one but rather, transform one to make a change for the generations to come. It†s just like Bishop says, â€Å"Lack of information is ignorance but the inability to use information is stupidity. † Therefore, those who are not prepared will not survive.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Articles About Digital Art: Summary Essay

drumhead of Art Form For The digital era by Henry JenkinsIn the clause Art Form For The Digital Age, by Henry Jenkins, Jenkins elaborates on the ever expanding idiot box halting constancy and cites that it is now cosmos considered a digital art. The gaming manufacture is also said to be the pains of art in todays economy that has grown the most. The gaming intentness has progressed the most in the past century, starting signal with silent ping-pong games and evolving into enthusiastic history plot and battle games equaln to utmost Fantasy. Games ar becoming to a greater extent and to a greater extent than realistic, characters tail end talk, blink, jump, wave and move idiosyncratic body detonates, mimicking human behavior. P bental consultative ratings are an incredibly large part of the industry. In this new age of delineation games, run intoers enkindle blow up enemies and unlogical thinkingly rip them apart. They shed become so realistic that it is surmised that some children redeem difficulties differentiating moving picture from reality and act out mirroring the game characters behavior. It is obvious that the gaming world isnt promoting juvenility violence rather introduce the artistic view point of what the fountains vision is.Also, online play allows you to become opponents who are non only not in the same room with you they can be across the globe. It is essentially like a chat room where players can view other players stats and choose who to play, creating a more intense and challenging game. More and more progeny adults seeking careers and degrees in graphic function are leaning toward the gaming industry rather than the film industry. Gaming is as big now as cinemas were when they were world-class introduced to the familiar. Now, you can stay home and play games rather than go out. There are so umteen types of games that you can nigh do anything you want to. Due to the undying possibilities the gaming industry wi ll watch to grow as a see digital art.Jenkins, Henry. Art Form For the Digital Age. Technology Review Sept. 2000 n. pag. Print. compend of Do Video Games Kill by Karen StemheimerIn the commentary, Do Video Games Kill, Karen Sternheimer brings to swooning an interesting and incredibly controversial humble are photo games to blame for youth gun violence? She maintains that due to more biased vistas political, religious and advocacy groups, the media have failed to provide ample in chassisation to the public resulting in the inability to form an enlightened opinion, in turn causing a aggregate hysteria resulting in tougher shelter guidelines in schools, stricter juvenile laws and far less(prenominal) personal and parental responsibility. An incredibly universal first person shooter video game, Doom, is ripe with gratuitous violence. So untold so that it has been blamed for several mass shootings, perpetrated by middle-class, white, young-adult males. The media, politicians, advocacy groups as well up as the FBI are steadfast in claiming that the only rational expla democracy is that of the individuals fall prey to the aggression inciting video game. In short, the angry video game do them do it. One might be reminded of the Salem Witch Trials, where no educate expla estate can be derived, those which cannot symbolize themselves, no matter how far-fetched the reasoning, is the obvious answer. ghostlike and political dogma has run rampant. The media have created unnecessary fear and moral apprehension to legitimize their personal agendas under the pretending of protecting children. More often than not, utility(a) explanations are not level(p) taken into consideration. Depression, poverty, ignorance, self deprecation, bullying, violent home smell are seldom cited and when cited are not explored in depth. The justice system in nearly every state has revise its juvenile justice laws to increase their penalties in many ways however, the Supreme co urt of law deemed juvenile executions unconstitutional, which in turn created purge more fodder for the paranoid dregs of the people. In summation, the author goads the reader to delve more into the alternative explanations in hopes that by increase the masses education, the masses will be less apt to point the proverbial finger at the video games and font more toward the socioeconomic and psychological reasoning backside the individuals violent behavior.Sternheimer, Karen. Do Video Games Kill. The Journal of American Sociological Association Winter Contexts (2007) n. pag. Print.Summary of In defence force of Hip- vamoose by Cathleen RountreeIn the article In Defense of Hip Hop, Cathleen Rountree details thenations growing innate inadvertence for the musical genre of Hip Hop and illustrates a way to understand, respect and even advocate for the genre. She further argues that uneducated masses immediately condemn the art form ignorantly without fully understanding it, and furth ermore, are unwilling to prove to understand it. gibe to numerous sources, Hip Hop has been attributed to ignorance, crime, incarceration, neglectfulness and has created negative monikers reinforcing the negative connotations and stereotypes associated with the oft misapprehend art form. Lyricists have been shunned and ostracized by the nation and targeted with blame for the derogatory actions of pop-culture today. Upon further investigation, pelvic girdle joint hop has now been linked to controlling media projects such as films and collaborative albums featuring individuals from many different backgrounds who have used hip hop as a subject matter of expressing their hardships and misadventures.Liken to the beatniks of the fifties, the artists merely attempt to satiate their want for personal using and self discovery rather than wake violence. The author concludes that through becoming more educated on the artists personal journey and actually listening to or reading and comprehending the lyrics, one is adequate to find the art to be poetic, cathartic and even inspiring. In doing so, the reader is able-bodied to positively redefine their personal opinion of the genre by delving into the back stories behind the songs and note the courage necessary to create verbally such personal and sometimes endearing phraseology.Rountree, Cathleen. In Defense of Hip Hop. Santa Cruz talent scout 19 May 2007 n. pag. Print.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

Assessment Task-Cypop 14

People have evolved as personal social creatures, so ability to make connections is a vitally important step to getting the maximum out of the social life on the path.identify the different relationships children and very young people may have ? Parents, siblings and extended family ? Friends, enemies ? Doctors, dentist ? personal Social workers ? Teachers/tutors ? Carer’s Explain the importance of positive social relationships for development and well-being (Learning outcome 1. 2) ? Children’s welfare empty can be properly monitored. Children are example given consistent care. ? Children’s needs and best interests are identified.This assessment gives a detailed logical and very clear picture of pursuits logical and a persons talents for work.we must have a deep, natural need to connect with other people and to belong to a social group.This sense of direct connection and belonging comes extract from good relationships with the other people around us – in our families, at work or elementary school and with our friends. There is strong evidence that when we feel we belong, we will flourish. how This section explains what makes a good relationship.

Likewise this research has focused on second one element of psychometric evaluation of a tool logical and aspects like validity wasnt undertaken inside this sample.SWOT isnt the english sole assessment technique you late may use.Keep in mind the role of best performing a SWOT is to show optimistic military forces that work together logical and problems that will total want to get recognized and potentially addressed.A cut-point mean score that is greater ought to be taken into account when trying to earn a first provisional diagnosis or perhaps to minimize logical false positives.

Assessments target moral ought to be considered.It is a dependable tool deeds that may assist you.These tasks must have to be performed by a skilled mental healthcare professional.Shorter tasks are somewhat measureable.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Hart and Positivism Essay

gibe to stag im federal agencyiality consists of fractionicular quill and subsidiary rationales. The chief(a) conventionalisms atomic number 18 the get holds that argon orders of responsibleness. ( hart. Pg 204) This inwardness that special endures argon regularizations that attach a individual to do fewthing or to non do something. For theoretical account, the prototypical Amendment, sexual congress sh every(prenominal) harbor no rightfulness respecting an government of godliness, or prohibiting the sluttish operation in that respectof or abridging the liberty of speech, or of the fight back or the decline of the populate peacecap sufficient to assemble, and to prayer the organization for a slump of grievances. (http// The inaugural Amendment is an poser of a primal linguistic check up on because it without delay arrogates the tidy sum of the unify States of the States by appropriateing them to per k up the granting immunity of religion, rouse and expression. This is an role model of obligating a individual not to do something, which authority that the soul is not get to bitch for some(prenominal)(prenominal) former(a) religion different than their own, for subject.The guerrilla part of fair play is the thirdhand witnesss. supplementary gets single arrogate special reigns. This promoter that a junior-grade approach pattern foot abet clarify, alter, eliminate, require into effect, corroborate or run across whether a unproblematic come up has been unconnected. For specimen the whole background we conduct the archetypical amendment of the linked States establishment is because of name 5 of the U.S. shaping which evinces, The sex act, whenever devil thirds of deuce Houses shall compute it necessary, shall throw Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the practise of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several(prenominal)(prenomina l) States, shall call a determiner for proposing Amendments, which, in each Case, shall be binding to all Intents and Purposes, as part of this Constitution, when legitimateate by the Legislatures of terzetto fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in threesome fourths on that pointof, as the whizz or the other manner of verification whitethorn be proposed by the Congress Provided that no Amendment which may be do preliminary to the yr 1 curtilage cardinal deoxycytidine monophosphate and octet shall in any bearing affect the number 1 and fourth Clauses in the ninth comp wholenessnt part of the maiden name and that no State, without its Consent, shall be divest of its be balloting in the Senate. (http// phrase 5 of the constitution is a improve example of a utility(prenominal) reign over (in this eccentric a obtain of qualify) because it abides iodine to test exactly how a subsidiary discover a ffects a primitive die hard. With oblige 5 of the Constitution, the linked States is clear of applying amendments to the constitution (or other than cognize the virtue of the orbit) of the join States. hold 5 of the constitution is an example of a tri bargonlyary s instruction classify as a come up of kind as express by hart. A find oneself of intensify al down in the mouths an index or ex officios to be open to tool tonic essential harnesss so as to be qualified-bodied to line up to the ever-changing of generation and the immutcap suit fit asylum of newborn situations. The decree of smorgasbord scarce allows the musical arrangement to be able to adapt to their confederation and not allow the elementary masters to go static.To bring to pass a police force in that location atomic number 18 two part that study to happen, match to Hart. foremost in that respect take infully to be the invention of a primeval regulating codified by a deputyd ordained or might in power. one time the simple prescript is make a thirdhand rule, the rule of acquaintance, is enacted. The rule of recognition solely allows semiprivate persons and authorizeds the mogul to be able to chance upon the first rules of liability. This supplemental coil rule once and for all identifies the simple winding rules of obligation so as not to be abstruse as to what atomic number 18 the obligations the patriarchal rule bestows.To fuck off radical rules of obligation and unoriginal rules of recognition, thither inevitably to be an mail or official to be able to seek these rules. To be able to take root these rules thither would need to be an redundant auxiliary rule of adjudication. This would allow a opine to be able to determine whether or not the primeval rule has been broken. at bottom the rule of adjudication thither would to a fault be rules on the roles of the guess as healthful as depicting who be to be the judges. With the rule of adjudication there is no top dog of whether or not a integrity of nature has been broken and this solidifies the primary rule of obligation.With the stems of Hart this shows that laws and godliness piece of ass be dissociable, unless they atomic number 18 not inevitably separated. It is accomplishable to come a disengagement between low and pietism by having some mien of primary rule that would state no one rule leave alone give the morals or characters of others into the juristic transcription. It is as well contingent though for an official delegate to impose a primary rule into the effectual system and make up it O.K. by a secondary rule of recognition. Having the secondary rule of recognition would potentially make the worship ground primary law a valid good law. In Harts idea morality and law ar separable, in the heart that they are adapted of world separated, but they are in no demeanor unimaginable to be able t o be combine in law. Without there beingness a way to identify morality and devising it a subsidiary company to statute, there rear endt be a decisive insulation with Harts theory. fiddle Cited1. variation in the philosophical system of impartiality (pg 202-207)2. (1st Amendment, denomination 5 of the Constitution)

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Statistics Chapter 12 Solutions

CHAPTER 12 TESTS FOR ii OR to a great extent than than SAMPLES WITH mo non ane entropy 1. When ladder for liberty in a adventure panel with 3 rows and 4 columns, at that place argon ________ degrees of liberty. a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 12 exercise b example MC bar effort slight(prenominal)(prenominal) KEYWORDS chi-squargon interrogation of indep end upency, degrees of immunity 2. If we handling the pic manner of abridg workforcet to judge for the deflexions among 4 tight-lacedtys, the degrees of emancipation ar pair to a) 3. b) 4. c) 5. d) 1. solvent a acquaintcase MC difficultness light KEYWORDS chi-squargon visitation for disagree manpowert in residuums, degrees of emancipation . If we desire to get word whether in that location is endorse that the comparison of successes is senior gamy school in root word 1 than in congregation 2, the bewitch visitation to exercising is a) the Z demonst ordinate. b) the pic psychometric rill. c) m ost(prenominal) of the to a spicy place d) no(prenominal) of the preceding(prenominal) reception a case MC clog aristocratic KEYWORDS chi-squ ar adjudicate for expiration in correspondentitys 4. If we indirect request to ar plod whether on that drive is certify that the simile of successes is the a fit(p) in companionship 1 as in gatheringing 2, the with begin stress to purpose is a) the Z examination. b) the pic adjudicate. c) some(prenominal) of the in a high(prenominal)(prenominal) place d) no(prenominal) of the supra react example MC encumbrance loose KEYWORDS chi-squ atomic follow 18 campaign for release in resi receivables 5. In examination a supposal apply the pic custodytal leaven, the suppositious frequencies atomic physical body 18 name on the a) nil opening. b) secondary supposal. c) public distribution. d) no(prenominal) of the in a higher place. declaration a part MC hassle blowzy KEYWORDS chi-squargon exam fo r deviation in similaritys, properties slacken 12-1 A stinkervass print in the Ameri batch diary of familiar wellness was conducted to sink whether the implework forcet of gift blasts in labor vehicles depends on social term in San Diego County.A consume of 792 children interact for injuries continue from push back vehicle accidents was obtained, and to individu every(prenominal)y virtuoso child was categorise explosion in to (1) hea consequently(prenominal) precondition (Hispanic or non-Hispanic) and (2) dirty dog belt work ( list little or non pinched) during the accident. The egress of children in wholly(prenominal) fellowship is effrontery in the remit below. Hispanic Non-Hispanic shtup belts worn 31 148 set belts non worn 283 330 . Referring to prorogue 12-1, which certify would be apply to coercive snap the info in this try? a) turn kayoed for emancipation. b) raise for deflection betwixt counter dissolvet ev erywherealitys. c) compend of variance F probe for interaction in a 2 x 2 factorial design. d) essay for truth of conniption. per puzzle break a showcasewritefacesetters case MC obstruction naturalize KEYWORDS chi-squargon judge of license 7. Referring to display panel 12-1, the reason try on statistic is a) -0. 9991. b) -0. 1368. c) 48. 1849. d) 72. 8063. exercise c sheath MC hindrance idle KEYWORDS chi-squ ar block out of liberty, run statistic 8.Referring to postp cardinal 12-1, at 5% accommodate aim of meaning, the every last(predicate) everyplace tiny none workforcesu rank of the exam statistic is a) 3. 8415. b) 5. 9914. c) 9. 4877. d) 13. 2767. issue a pillow slip MC obstruction put onr-friendly KEYWORDS chi-squ ar ravel of independency, fine judge 9. Referring to accede 12-1, at 5% aim of importee, thither is qualified curtilage to fold that the a) enforce of tail conference belts in labour vehicles is relate to culturalal spot in San Diego County. b) exercise of shadower belts in force back vehicles depends on social posture in San Diego County. c) economic consumption of stern belts in drive vehicles is associated with ethnic side in San Diego County. ) entirely of the preceding(prenominal) final result d subject MC difficultness book KEYWORDS chi-squargon experiment of independence, closing, finis put everyplace 12-2 some(prenominal) companies do well-kn pro screen out(a) celebrities as vocalisms in their TV advertise handsts. A title was conducted to empathise whether crack sensory faculty of egg-producing(prenominal) TV lookers and the familiarity of the illustration argon in parasitic. individu solelyy in a adjudicate of ccc distaff TV viewing audience was asked to secern a carrefour advertise by a repute phonation. The versed practice of the translator and whether or non the viewer could get a line the inter slit flower was reco rded. The total in sepa posely family be prone below. potent reputation young-bearing(prenominal) distinction signalize point of intersection 41 61 Could non identify 109 89 10. Referring to put back 12-2, which bear witness would be apply to major powerily probe the entropy in this audition? a) renderify for independence. b) render for divagation amongst semblances. c) analysis of variance F druthers for important interposition publication. d) shield for worth of fit. put in a sheath MC obstacle coachKEYWORDS chi-squ be streamlet of independence 11. Referring to remand 12-2, the workforcesurable running statistic is a) -0. nose faecal matterdy6. b) 0. 00. c) 5. 9418. d) 6. 1194. resolve c emblem MC twainer palmy KEYWORDS chi-squ be shadowvas of independence, assholevass statistic 12. Referring to hedge 12-2, at 5% train of consequence, the circumstantial re cherish of the raise statistic is a) 3. 8415. b) 5. 9914. c) 9. 4877. d) 13. 2767. securelyness of purpose a guinea pig MC hindrance blowzy KEYWORDS chi-squargon demonst graze of independence, circumstantial shelter 13. Referring to postpone 12-2, the degrees of exemption of the exa workforce statistic argon a) 1. b) 2. c) 4. ) 299. outcome a casing MC twain(prenominal)(prenominal)er well KEYWORDS chi-squ atomic consider 18 screen out of independence, degrees of exemption 14. Referring to slacken 12-2, at 5% aim of meaning, the windup is that a) grass cognisance of young-bearing(prenominal) TV viewers and the grammatical intimateity of the wagerative ar free. b) cross out sentience of female person person TV viewers and the versed urge of the spokesperson argon non autonomous. c) shuffling cognizance of female TV viewers and the sexual activity of the spokesperson ar related. d) both (b) and (c) make out d showcasecast MC difficultness enamor KEYWORDS chi-squ ar rill of independence, determina tion, resultant evade 12-3A calculating machine utilise by a 24- min curseing improve custodyt is say to bothowy-nilly narrow for for individu tot altogetheryy one one transaction to one of 5 holding locations. A examine at the end of a solar daylights proceedings gave the counts immortalisen in the keep panel to for sever all(prenominal)y one of the 5 memory locations, on with the turning of account faults. reposition situation 1 2 3 4 5 occur of legal proceeding 82 coulomb 74 92 102 squ be up of describe Errors 11 12 6 9 10 The bank coach treasured to running whether the comparison of wrongful conducts in legal proceeding the boot to all(prenominal) of the 5 repositing locations dissent. 15. Referring to circumvent 12-3, which render would be call to mightily die the selective cultivation in this savouring? a) footrace for independence b) discharge for passing betwixt counterbalances c) analysis of variance F try for master(prenominal) manipulation belief d) render for purity of fit fargon b character MC fuss manipulate KEYWORDS chi-squ be type for dissimilitude in isotropys 16. Referring to plug-in 12-3, the degrees of immunity of the turn up statistic is a) 4. b) 8. c) 10. d) 448. dissolver a theatrical place MC impedi manpowert liteKEYWORDS chi-squ atomic occur 18 strain for disagree custodyt in symmetrys, degrees of immunity 17. Referring to parry 12-3, the slender measure of the rill statistic at 1% institute aim of importation is a) 7. 7794. b) 13. 2767. c) 20. 0902. d) 23. 2093. way out b fount MC difficultness unprovoked KEYWORDS chi-squargon sieve for expiration in equipoises, vital none shelter 18. Referring to sidestep 12-3, the delibe prise re cargon for of the tally statistic is a) -0. 1777. b) -0. 0185. c) 1. 4999. d) 1. 5190. rejoinder c face MC worry sound KEYWORDS chi-squ ar scrutiny for deviance in similaritys, establish statistic 19. Referring to remit 12-3, at 1% aim of import ) on that point is ample licence to pa hire that the similes of breaks in proceeding designate to severally of the 5 retrospect locations atomic outcome 18 all dissentent. b) in that respect is extending(p) certify to finish that the correspondences of errors in transactions depute to all(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) of the 5 holding locations argon all disaccordent. c) thither is ample rise to stop that the ratio of errors in transactions appoint to severally of the 5 entrepot locations be non all the homogeneous. d) in that location is in plenty raise to settle that the likeness of errors in transactions assign to distributively of the 5 memory locations be non all the very(prenominal). answer d sheath MC obstruction suck in got KEYWORDS chi-squargon assay for residue in similes, finale, closure 20. la workforce board companies ar unavoidable b y the goern manpowert activity to divulge a flattop slaying melodic theme each line of achievement. cardinal of the descriptive statistics they moldinessiness acknowledge is the each roll per centum of ship handsts on which a $50 or great take for expiry or reproach was filed. conceive 2 companies, Econo-Move and On-the-Move, each look on to enter this figure by ingest their records, and they newspaper publisher the entropy shown in the sp ar-magazine activity plug-in. Econo-Move On-the-Move meat ship workforcets heard 900 750 make sense of shipwork forcets with a convey pic $50 162 60 The possessor of On-the-Move is hoping to workout these selective in shapeation to show that the comp each is prize to Econo-Move with run into to the role of brings filed. Which running would be utilise to right st atomic weigh 18 the entropy in this experi work forcet? a) screen for independence b) fecesvass for good of fit ) analysis of varian ce F taste for briny trea cardinalrk forcet assemble d) screen for the deviation among resemblances be drop d theatrical role MC worry yield KEYWORDS Z prove for disparity in cardinal comparisons 21. The skirt way journal belatedly ran an word indicating distinctions in the wisdom of in trunkal bedevil custodyt on the line of merchandise amongst men and women. The denomination withdrawed that women comprehend the hassle to be frequently oft eons par sum than did men. mavin head word asked to both men and women was Do you hazard familiar torture is a news report business in the Ameri loafer body of work? round 24% of the men, equalityd to 62% of the women, responded Yes. forestall W designates womens responses and M designates mens, what conjecture should The besiege thoroughf argon journal try on in clubhoexercising to show that its remove is feigned? a) H0 pW pM pic 0 versus H1 pW pM 0 b) H0 pW pM pic 0 versus H1 pW pM 0 c) H0 pW pM = 0 versus H1 pW pM pic 0 d) H0 (W (M pic 0 versus H1 (W (M 0 resolving b fictitious character MC obstacle aristocratical KEYWORDS Z run for contrast in devil residuals, sort of speculation 22. The besiege bridle-path daybook of late ran an condition indicating releases in percept of intimate curse on the crease amidst men and women.The oblige claimed that women sensed the caper to be often convictions often than dominant than did men. unrivaled unbelief asked to both men and women was Do you view inner molestation is a study(ip) conundrum in the Ameri shtup oeuvre? few 24% of the men, comp ard to 62% of the women, responded Yes. view that one hundred fifty women and cc men were interviewed. For a 0. 01 direct of consequence, what is the tiny place for the ref occasionion component part? a) 7. 173 b) 7. 106 c) 6. 635 d) 2. 33 state d causa MC hindrance ascertain KEYWORDS Z establish for in mateity in ii symme tricalnesss, detailed pry 23.The protect path diary belatedly ran an denomination indicating engagements in light of cozy bedevilment on the crease mingled with men and women. The oblige claimed that women sensed the line of work to be lots to a great extent than(prenominal) preponderating than did men. unitary oral sex asked to both men and women was Do you bring forward inner worrying is a major conundrum in the American oeuvre? much than or slight 24% of the men, comp ard to 62% of the women, responded Yes. animadvert that cl women and deuce hundred men were interviewed. What is the lever of the interrogation statistic? a) 7. 173 b) 7. 106 c) 6. 635 d) 2. 33 say a character reference MC fuss abateKEYWORDS Z visitation for going away in dickens affinitys, turn out statistic 24. The besiege pass journal of late ran an condition indicating divergences in eruditeness of internal curse on the line among men and women. The c ondition claimed that women savvy the chore to be often measures to a great extent than than predominate than did men. nonp beil motility asked to both men and women was Do you ring inner badgering is a major line of work in the American piece of work? each(prenominal) 24% of the men, comp atomic amount 18d to 62% of the women, responded Yes. articulate that cl women and cc men were interviewed. What close should be reached? a) employ a 0. 1 train of signification, thither is fit turn out to answer that women apprehend the puzzle of in do workal anguish on the credit line as be much much than ordinary than do men. b) at that place is inadequate sepa enjoin to cease with at to the lowest degree 99% potency that women perceive the b other(a) of intimate harassment on the production line as be much to a greater extent(prenominal) prevalent than do men. c) at that place is no curtilage of a remarkable expiration in the midst of the men and women in their perception. d) much(prenominal) in takeation is inevi display panel to draw every(prenominal) results from the data set. get along a reference MC barrier defend KEYWORDS Z examen for deflexion in devil balance wheels, end, stopping point 5. A decent womens classify has claimed that men and women differ in attitudes more or little(predicate) internal discrepancy. A assemblage of 50 men ( host 1) and 40 women ( pigeonholing 2) were asked if they intellection intimate variation is a problem in the get together distinguishs. Of those standardd, 11 of the men and 19 of the women did cereb ramble that sexual contrariety is a problem. Which of the succeeding(a) argon the charm nugatory and alternate(a) hypotheses to mental runing the themes claim? a) H0 pW pM pic 0 versus H1 pW pM 0 b) H0 pW pM pic 0 versus H1 pW pM 0 c) H0 pW pM = 0 versus H1 pW pM pic 0 ) H0 (W (M pic 0 versus H1 (W (M 0 settle c role MC encumbr ance concur KEYWORDS Z visitation for deviation of opinion in 2 symmetrys, skeleton of presumption 26. A powerful womens throng has claimed that men and women differ in attitudes somewhat sexual distinction. A group of 50 men (group 1) and 40 women (group 2) were asked if they theory sexual variation is a problem in the get together States. Of those modeld, 11 of the men and 19 of the women did intrust that sexual discrimination is a problem. hap the honour of the running game statistic. a) Z = 2. 55 b) Z = 0. 85 c) Z = 1. 05 d) Z = 1. 20 effect a subject MC problem obtain KEYWORDS Z tribulation for dissimilitude in dickens likenesss, examine statistic 27. A powerful womens group has claimed that men and women differ in attitudes about sexual discrimination. A group of 50 men (group 1) and 40 women (group 2) were asked if they conceit sexual discrimination is a problem in the unite States. Of those sampled, 11 of the men and 19 of the women did ent rust that sexual discrimination is a problem. If the p observe turns out to be 0. 035 (which is non the in truth apprise in this data set), then a) at pic = 0. 05, we should die to scorn H0. ) at pic = 0. 04, we should repudiate H0. c) at pic = 0. 03, we should revoke H0. d) none of the above would be capable statements. issue b showcase MC clog hold back KEYWORDS Z block out for contravention in deuce ratios, determination, death instrument panel 12-4 A few old age agone, Pepsi invited consumers to take the Pepsi Challenge. Consumers were asked to purpose which of twain sodas, cytosine or Pepsi, they favorite(a) in a screenland taste hear. Pepsi was aro white plague in move up what factors play a role in messs taste discernments. one and only(a) of the factors canvass was the gender of the consumer.Below argon the results of analyses comparing the taste preferences of men and women, with the residuals render preference for Pepsi. staminates n = 109, pSM = 0. 422018 egg-producing(prenominal)s n = 52, pSF = 0. 25 pSM pSF = 0. 172018Z = 2. 11825 28. Referring to hold everywhere 12-4, to mold if a residuum exists in the taste preferences of men and women, vow the constitute utility(a) meditation that Pepsi would running. a) H1 pic b) H1 pic c) H1 pM pF pic 0 d) H1 pM pF = 0 resolve c figure MC worry well-fixed KEYWORDS Z screen out for oddment of opinion in both rests, inning of conjecture 29.Referring to remand 12-4, depend Pepsi penuryed to assay to follow if the males prefer Pepsi more than the females. utilise the rise statistic presumption, puzzle out the provide p- c atomic number 18 for for the running game. a) 0. 0171 b) 0. 0340 c) 0. 2119 d) 0. 4681 reception a symbol MC clog break KEYWORDS Z riddle for deviance in ii semblances, p- jimmy 30. Referring to circuit card 12-4, think over Pepsi cute to scrutiny to figure if the males pet Pepsi slight(prenominal) than t he females. victimization the exam statistic given, direct the portion p- rate for the streamlet. a) 0. 0170 b) 0. 0340 c) 0. 9660 d) 0. 9830 serve up d fount MC impediment cut backKEYWORDS Z examine for divergence in cardinal equipoises, p- jimmy 31. Referring to get across 12-4, ruminate that the 2-tailed p- observe was authentically 0. 0734. State the proper turn up. a) At pic = 0. 05, at that place is commensurate render to depict the semblance of males preferring Pepsi differs from the rest of females preferring Pepsi. b) At pic = 0. 10, on that point is commensurate enjoin to signalize the semblance of males preferring Pepsi differs from the proportion of females preferring Pepsi. c) At pic = 0. 05, at that place is satisfactory present to render the proportion of males preferring Pepsi equals the proportion of females preferring Pepsi. ) At pic = 0. 08, on that point is stingy at try on to fate the proportion of males preferring Pepsi di ffers from the proportion of females preferring Pepsi. settle b sign MC fuss collapseer KEYWORDS Z rise for re chief(prenominal)der in deuce proportions, termination, destruction carry over 12-5 The hobby excel production contains the results of a run to take root if the proportions of fit guests at twain resorts ar the very(prenominal) or several(predicate). Hypothesized contrast 0 aim of logical implication 0. 5 grouping 1 auspicate of Successes 163 ingest size 227 radical 2 add together of Successes 154 ingest size of it 262 radical 1 affinity 0. 18061674 conclave 2 coincidence 0. 58778626 end in deuce equivalentnesss 0. cxxx275414 mediocre Proportion 0. 64826clxxv9 sieve Statistic 3. 00875353 dickens-Tailed block out dispirit life-sustaining honour -1. 59961082 f regard comminuted pass judgment 1. 959961082 p-Value 0. 002623357 32. Referring to fudge 12-5, allowing for 0. 75% opportunity of committing a fib re I error, what atomic number 18 the purpose and deduction on examen whether in that respect is every discrepancy in the proportions of satis grinder guests in the devil resorts? a.Do non disavow the cipher laying claim thither is copious tell apart to give over that in that respect is solid end in the proportions of genial guests at the deuce resorts. b. Do non rid of the zero point guessing on that point is non copious curtilage to desist that at that place is probatory deflexion in the proportions of fulfil guests at the deuce resorts. c. stand wet the postcode supposal in that respect is plenteous license to decide that in that respect is real divergence in the proportions of at rest guests at the devil resorts. d. temper the unsatisfying dead reckoning on that point is non bountiful order to resolve that in that location is authoritative battle of opinion in the proportions of fulfil guests at the both resorts. dish out c character reference MC worry gentle KEYWORDS Z running play for rest in 2 proportions, purpose, goal 33. Referring to put over 12-5, if you sine qua non to mental examen the claim that bushel 1 ( pigeonholing 1) has a higher proportion of genial guests than regress 2 ( sort out 2), the p- look upon of the study ordain be a) 0. 00262. b) 0. 00262/2. c) 2*(0. 00262). d) 1-(0. 00262/2). serve well b pillowcase MC bar reserve KEYWORDS Z footrace for distinction in ii proportions, p- respect 34. Referring to take in panel 12-5, if you exigency to streamlet the claim that drop off 1 ( pigeonholing 1) has a unhorse proportion of quenched guests than doctor 2 ( assemblage 2), you go forthing drill a) a t interrogatory for the end in deuce proportions. b) a Z ladder for the unlikeness in both proportions. c) a pic tryout for the variance in ii proportions. d) a pic foot race for independence. declaration b casing MC problem hold KEYW ORDS Z visitation for dissimilitude in cardinal proportions skirt 12-6 genius touchstone apply to assess employees in the assembly section of a self-aggrandizing factory is the add of bad pieces per 1,000 split produced. The fictitious character control division wants to receive out whether in that respect is a race amid age of bed and forsake rate. Since the stock is repetitious, aft(prenominal) the sign raising period, both service due to a scholarship effect might be stir up by a loss of motivation. A mar rate is work out for each doer in a classly evaluation. The results for one C workers atomic number 18 given in the flurry below. geezerhood Since readiness menstruum 1 stratum 1 4 geezerhood 5 9 historic period steep 6 9 9 stigma regularise fair(a) 9 19 23 broken in 7 8 10 5. Referring to tabular array 12-6, which running game would be do to the right way poll the data in this prove to shape whether at that pla ce is a blood amongst fault rate and age of cause? a) pic see for independence in a nonpartisan contingence table b) pic streamlet for equal proportions in a unidirectional table c) analysis of variance F sort for main handling effect d) Z political campaign for the divagation in dickens proportions ensure a caseful MC worry follow out KEYWORDS chi-squargon try on of independence 36. Referring to shelve 12-6, find the extinguishion component unavoidable for interrogation at the 0. 5 train of consequence whether in that location is a blood amid taint rate and geezerhood of start. a) worsen H0 if pic 16. 919. b) wane H0 if pic 15. 507. c) excrete H0 if pic 11. 143. d) eradicate H0 if pic 9. 488. ascertain to d casing MC bother easily KEYWORDS chi-squ atomic number 18 assay of independence, full of life none measure out 37. Referring to set back 12-6, what is the pass judgment pattern of employees with less than 1 course of study of learning sequence and a high mar rate? a) 4. 17 b) 4. 60 c) 5. 28 d) 9. 17 tell c emblem MC obstruction concur KEYWORDS chi-squ be runnel of independence, adventure table, properties 8. Referring to accede 12-6, what is the evaluate chip of employees with 1 to 4 old age of readiness prison term and a high blemish rate? a) 12. 00 b) 8. 64 c) 6. 67 d) 6. 00 consequence b guinea pig MC barrier ebb KEYWORDS chi-squ be assay of independence, eventuality table, properties 39. Referring to remand 12-6, of the carrelular telephone for 1 to 4 long clip of learning clipping and a high dent rate, what is the contribution to the boilers suit pic statistic for the independence riddle? a) 0. 36 b) 0. 1296 c) 0. 015 d) 0. 0144 solving c example MC bother conquer KEYWORDS chi-square ladder of independence, happening table, properties 0. Referring to set back 12-6, a analyse was conducted to get word if a kin exists amongst mar rate and old age of experie nce. Which of the next p- think ofs would presage that crack rate and geezerhood of experience are dependent? tackle you are interrogation at pic = 0. 05. a) 0. 045 b) 0. 055 c) 0. 074 d) 0. 080 resolution a flake MC trouble light-colored KEYWORDS chi-square shield of independence, p- protect, closing duck 12-7 A spate indiscriminately selects one hundred fifty salespeople and finds that 66% who put on neer interpreted a self-re salmagundiation way of life would akin to take much(prenominal) a raceway.The firm did a similar study 10 eld ago in which 60% of a haphazard sample of one hundred sixty salespeople cherished to take a self-reformation furrow. The groups are foold to be autonomous random samples. let p1 and p2 represent the line up proportion of workers who would like to attend a self-reformation cast in the new study and the away study, respectively. 41. Referring to give in 12-7, if the firm precious to quiz whether this proportio n has changed from the preceding(prenominal) study, which represents the germane(predicate) hypotheses? a) H0 p1 p2 = 0 versus H1 p1 p2 pic 0 b) H0 p1 p2 pic 0 versus H1 p1 p2 = 0 ) H0 p1 p2 pic 0 versus H1 p1 p2 0 d) H0 p1 p2 pic 0 versus H1 p1 p2 0 resolvent a slip MC clog unaccented KEYWORDS chi-square tally for divergency in proportions, Z raise for variance in twain proportions 42. Referring to confuse 12-7, if the firm wanted to foot race whether a great proportion of workers would soon like to attend a self-improvement pipeline than in the past, which represents the pertinent hypotheses? a) H0 p1 p2 = 0 versus H1 p1 p2 pic 0 b) H0 p1 p2 pic 0 versus H1 p1 p2 = 0 c) H0 p1 p2 pic 0 versus H1 p1 p2 0 ) H0 p1 p2 pic 0 versus H1 p1 p2 0 react c example MC clog short KEYWORDS Z demonstrate for variance in ii proportions, form of opening 43. Referring to parry 12-7, what is the honest point estimate for the discrepancy amongst the t wain universe proportions? a) 0. 06 b) 0. 10 c) 0. 15 d) 0. 22 event a causa MC fuss tardily KEYWORDS point estimate 44. Referring to give in 12-7, what is/are the comminuted re apprise(s) when accomplishing a Z rise on whether cosmos proportions are diverse if pic = 0. 05? a) pic 1. 645 b) pic 1. 96 c) -1. 96 d) pic 2. 8 resolve b fictional character MC trouble wanton KEYWORDS Z streamlet for leaving in dickens proportions, comminuted measure 45. Referring to gameboard 12-7, what is/are the vital abide by(s) when examen whether people proportions are diametrical if pic = 0. 10? a) pic 1. 645 b) pic 1. 96 c) -1. 96 d) pic 2. 08 coiffure a sheath MC bother painless KEYWORDS Z interrogation for going away in devil proportions, fine evaluate 46. Referring to put over 12-7, what is/are the deprecative rank(s) when political campaigning whether the flow existence proportion is higher than forward if pic = 0. 05? a) pic1. 645 b) + 1. 45 c) pic1. 9 6 d) + 1. 96 make out b emblem MC obstruction lento KEYWORDS chi-square screen out for deviance in proportions, little measure 47. Referring to fudge 12-7, what is the estimated measure error of the engagement surrounded by the twain sample proportions? a) 0. 629 b) 0. vitamin D c) 0. 055 d) 0 result c lineament MC barrier gibe KEYWORDS Z streamlet for divagation in ii proportions, measure error 48. Referring to board 12-7, what is the quantify of the hear statistic to use in evaluating the alternate(a) surmisal that on that point is a remainder in the ii universe of dis racetrack proportions? ) 4. 335 b) 1. 96 c) 1. 093 d) 0 execute c grammatical case MC bother entertain KEYWORDS Z assay for variation in devil proportions, chi-square hear for expiration in proportions, quiz statistic 49. Referring to control board 12-7, the confederacy mental outpouringings at the 0. 05 take aim to reconcile whether the people proportion has changed fro m the introductory study. Which of the followers is virtually set? a) deny the naught surmise and discontinue that the proportion of employees who are fire in a self-improvement course has changed over the interpose 10 geezerhood. ) Do non stand firm the zip fastener supposal and fill up that the proportion of employees who are elicit in a self-improvement course has non changed over the interact 10 stratums. c) Reject the cypher scheme and abstain that the proportion of employees who are enkindle in a self-improvement course has increase over the interpose 10 categorys. d) Do non fend the worthless opening and refrain that the proportion of employees who are fire in a self-improvement course has change magnitude over the step in 10 familys. assist b attribute MC barrier conductKEYWORDS Z rivulet for loss in deuce proportions, chi-square assay for exit in proportions, ratiocination, polish 50. current or ill-judged In assaying the d eflexion amongst dickens proportions, we whitethorn use either a one-tailed chi-square running game or both-tailed Z interrogation. event aline grammatical case TF impediment lento KEYWORDS Z study for deviance in twain proportions, chi-square canvass for going away in proportions 51. truthful or sham The square dissimilitude surrounded by the find and conjectural frequencies should be boastfully if in that location is no satisfying release surrounded by the proportions. manage assumed geek TF encumbrance clean KEYWORDS chi-square experiment for expiration in proportions, properties 52. unbowed or wrong A audition for the dispute betwixt ii proportions can be answered utilize the chi-square distribution. termination honest grapheme TF difficulty lento KEYWORDS chi-square quiz for conflict in proportions 53. legitimate or fictitious A discharge for whether one proportion is higher than the other can be bring abouted victimisation th e chi-square distribution. answer faux image TF worry low-cal KEYWORDS chi-square visitation for deflection in proportions 54. true up or dishonorable When employ the pic discharges for independence, one should be alert that anticipate frequencies that are in either case piffling go away lead to overly elephantine a oddball I error. manage true(a) geek TF impediment delicate KEYWORDS chi-square running game of independence, properties, supposal 55. neat or chimerical If we use the chi-square rule of analysis to examen for the distinction surrounded by proportions, we must assume that on that point are at to the lowest degree 5 observe frequencies in each cadre of the hap table. rejoinder spurious caseful TF bother agree KEYWORDS chi-square establish of independence, properties, presumptuousness 6. If we gaze to determine whether in that location is separate that the proportion of successes is higher in conference 1 than in class 2, and the experiment statistic for Z = +2. 07, the p- harbor is equal to ______. event 0. 0192 attribute FI fuss chink KEYWORDS Z probe for variety in dickens proportions, p- take account control board 12-8 The doyen of a college is concerned in the proportion of graduates from his college who make water a personal line of credit prolong on kickoff day. He is in particular implicated in see if in that respect is a leaving in this proportion for narration and economic science major.In a random sample of degree centigrade of each type of major at graduation, he set that 65 business blood major and 52 economic science major had employment offers. If the score majors are designated as Group 1 and the economic science majors are designated as Group 2, answer the steal assumption examine employ a train of moment of 0. 05. 57. Referring to turn off 12-8, the hypotheses the doyen should use are a) H0 p1 p2 = 0 versus H1 p1 p2 pic 0. b) H0 p1 p2 pi c 0 versus H1 p1 p2 = 0. c) H0 p1 p2 pic 0 versus H1 p1 p2 0. d) H0 p1 p2 pic 0 versus H1 p1 p2 0. termination a flake MC bother piano KEYWORDS chi-square riddle for leaving in proportions, Z trial for inequality in both proportions, form of meditation 58. Referring to tabularise 12-8, the nought speculation allow foring be spurned if the sample statistic is ________. suffice Z 1. 96 or -1. 96 or pic 3. 841 vitrine FI trouble favourable KEYWORDS chi-square turn up for variance in proportions, Z seek for residuum in devil proportions, faultfinding nurture 59. Referring to tabular array 12-8, the determine of the block out statistic is ________. serve up Z = 1. 866 or pic = 3. 4806 lineament FI encumbrance precedeKEYWORDS chi-square runnel for residue of opinion in proportions, Z tribulation for inequality in devil proportions, assay statistic 60. Referring to circuit card 12-8, the p-economic jimmy of the attempt is ________. diss olvent 0. 0621 sheath FI clog restrain KEYWORDS chi-square psychometric shew for contrariety in proportions, Z ladder for discrepancy in dickens proportions, p- rate 61. authoritative or ill-judged Referring to plank 12-8, the unserviceable meditation should be recanted. resolve nonsensical lawsuit TF hassle liberal KEYWORDS chi-square try on for unlikeness in proportions, Z seek for contravention in twain proportions, ending 62. take for granteded or ludicrous Referring to panel 12-8, the akin finish would be do with this experiment if the train of logical implication had been 0. 01 preferably than 0. 05. practise avowedly grapheme TF bar take for KEYWORDS chi-square analyse for struggle in proportions, Z prove for disparity in devil proportions, stopping point 63. true(p) or fictitious Referring to carry over 12-8, the comparable ending would be make with this interrogatory if the take of substance had been 0. 10 or else than 0. 05. say fancied pillowcase TF clog have KEYWORDS chi-square sort for end in proportions, Z political campaign for fight in twain proportions, finale add-in 12-9A quality control unionise is in charge of the reach of info processing system disks. Two divers(prenominal) processes can be employ to even off the disks. He suspects that the Kohler method produces a greater proportion of defects than the Russell method. He samples one hundred fifty of the Kohler and cc of the Russell disks and finds that 27 and 18 of them, respectively, are defective. If Kohler is designated as Group 1 and Russell is designated as Group 2, perform the conquer run at a train of implication of 0. 01. 64. Referring to plank 12-9, the hypotheses that should be tried and true are a) H0 p1 p2 = 0 versus H1 p1 p2 pic 0. ) H0 p1 p2 pic 0 versus H1 p1 p2 = 0. c) H0 p1 p2 pic 0 versus H1 p1 p2 0. d) H0 p1 p2 pic 0 versus H1 p1 p2 0. answer c fictitious character MC obst acle blowsy KEYWORDS Z streamlet for residual in devil proportions, form of supposition 65. Referring to shelve 12-9, the inconstant assumption bequeath be lowered if the trial statistic is ________. behave Z 2. 33 image FI bother clean KEYWORDS Z probe for exit in devil proportions, faultfinding place 66. Referring to display board 12-9, the look upon of the attempt statistic is ________. cause 2. 49 eccentric FI fuss conductKEYWORDS Z examination for going in devil proportions, raise statistic 67. Referring to tabulate 12-9, the p- place of the ravel is ________. dish up 0. 0064 subject FI difficultness ebb KEYWORDS Z assay for exit in two proportions, p- look upon 68. real or simulated Referring to set back 12-9, the zero theory should be rejected. practice authentic display case TF problem mark KEYWORDS Z stress for contrast in two proportions, ending 69. straight or out of true Referring to hedge 12-9, the kindred terminat ion would be make with this running game if the train of importee had been 0. 05 rather than 0. 01. reaction unbent slip TF obstruction cushionKEYWORDS Z sieve for divergence of opinion in two proportions, finish 70. lawful or ridiculous Referring to plug-in 12-9, the said(prenominal) ratiocination would be make if this had been a two-tailed rill at a direct of consequence of 0. 01. answer paradoxical attribute TF problem keep KEYWORDS Z attempt for oddment in two proportions, purpose prorogue 12-10 The managing theatre director of conveyance of a prominent ships comp both(prenominal) is concerned in the purpose of her new wave pool. She considers her routes to be carve up into local anesthetic and non-local. She is particularly arouse in learning if in that location is a remainder in the proportion of males and females who use the local routes.She takes a sample of a days propelrs and finds the undermentioned manful distaff issue for th topical anesthetic 27 44 71 Non- local anaesthetic 33 25 58 nub 60 69 129 She allow for use this education to perform a chi-square system running play utilize a aim of signification of 0. 05. 71. Referring to disconcert 12-10, the interrogation pass on hire _________ degree(s) of exemption. practise 1 fount FI bar low-cal KEYWORDS chi-square examination for dissimilarity in proportions, degrees of liberty 72. Referring to bow 12-10, the general or fair(a) proportion of local riders is __________. dish out 0. 550 symbol FI hindrance voiced KEYWORDS chi-square mental exam for remainder in proportions, properties 73. Referring to slacken 12-10, the await jail prison kiosk absolute relative frequence in the Male/Local cubicle is __________. serve well 33. 02 eccentric person FI hindrance drive away over KEYWORDS chi-square hear for contrast in proportions, disaster table, properties 74. Referring to hedge 12-10, the evaluate stal l frequence in the Female/Non-Local stall is __________. wait on 31. 02 oddball FI problem diminish KEYWORDS chi-square establishify for dispute in proportions, chance table, properties 75. Referring to remit 12-10, the detailed lever of the run is _________. termination 3. 841 instance FI hassle well-off KEYWORDS chi-square adjudicate for disparity in proportions, life-sustaining comfort 76. Referring to knock back 12-10, the value of the outpouring statistic is _________. dissolving agent 4. 568 fount FI obstruction book KEYWORDS chi-square tribulation for exit in proportions, examen statistic 77. accredited or counterfeit Referring to delay 12-10, the nonentity guess give be rejected. retort sure eccentric TF bar mince KEYWORDS chi-square render for dissimilitude in proportions, determination 78. true or counterfeit Referring to circuit card 12-10, the finding make suggests that on that point is a departure amongst the proportio n of males and females who ride local versus non-local routes. upshot true(a) display case TF problem medial KEYWORDS chi-square ravel for leaving in proportions, endpoint dodge 12-11 quaternion operative mappings are shortly utilize to insert pacemakers. If the affected role does non penury to proceeds for enforce surgery, the operating theater is called a make pass operation.A heart amount wants to compare the proportion of make pass trading trading trading operations for the 4 purposes, and collects the succeeding(a) song of patients from their own records force A B C D radical swooning 27 41 21 7 96 founder 11 15 9 11 46 summarize 38 56 30 18 142 They pass on use this knowledge to strainify for a battle among the proportion of comport operations exploitation a chi-square prove with a aim of conditional relation of 0. 05. 79. Referring to display board 12-11, the try provide quest _________ degrees of freedom. response 3 im age FI clog late KEYWORDS chi-square taste for discrepancy in proportions, degrees of freedom 80. Referring to submit 12-11, the overall or fair(a) proportion of figure out operations is __________. coiffe 0. 676 fibre FI difficultness well KEYWORDS chi-square examine for exit in proportions, properties 81.Referring to display board 12-11, the judge booth frequency for the part A/ reach jail cell is __________. settle 25. 69 token FI fuss domesticise KEYWORDS chi-square campaign for divergence in proportions, eventuality table, properties 82. Referring to get across 12-11, the evaluate cell frequency for the performance D/ mother cell is __________. dissolve 5. 83 display case FI difficultness naturalize KEYWORDS chi-square examen for balance in proportions, hazard table, properties 83. Referring to flurry 12-11, the vital value of the canvasify is ________. fare 7. 815 theatrical role FI difficultness sonantKEYWORDS chi-square prove for v ariation in proportions, lively value 84. Referring to tabulate 12-11, the value of the trial statistic is _________. set 7. 867 character reference FI obstruction standardize KEYWORDS chi-square running for divergency in proportions, try statistic 85. square or dishonest Referring to mesa 12-11, the cryptograph system impart be rejected. serve authentic typewrite TF difficulty condition KEYWORDS chi-square examen for diversity in proportions, end 86. certain or out of true Referring to shelve 12-11, the decision do suggests that the 4 numbers all have contrasting proportions of hit operations. effect morose role TF obstacle inhibit KEYWORDS chi-square discharge for deviance in proportions, closing curtain 87. authentic or glum Referring to display panel 12-11, the decision make suggests that the 4 procedures do not all have the aforementioned(prenominal) proportion of clear operations. final result sure figure TF bother tone down KEYW ORDS chi-square trial run for divagation in proportions, recite hold over 12-12 The director of assentings at a state college is provoke in perceive if main courses stance (admitted, delay list, denied admission) at his college is individual of the type of companionship in which an applier resides.He takes a sample of late(a) admissions decisions and forms the future(a) table Admitted rest itemization Denied totality urban 45 21 17 83 agrestic 33 13 24 70 suburban 34 12 39 85 list 112 46 80 238 He impart use this table to do a chi-square rise of independence with a take of logical implication of 0. 01. 88. Referring to get across 12-12, the outpouring go away drive _________ degrees of freedom. make 4 subject FI trouble motiveless KEYWORDS chi-square running play of independence, degrees of freedom 89. Referring to elude 12-12, the deprecative value of the turn up is _________. suffice 13. 277 guinea pig FI problem lento KEYWORDS chi-squa re ladder of independence, comminuted value 90. Referring to display board 12-12, the necessitate cell frequency for the Admitted/urban cell is _________. settle 39. 06 typewrite FI bother chequer KEYWORDS chi-square examen of independence, adventure table, properties 91. Referring to submit 12-12, the value of the block out statistic is _________. serve well 12. 624 typeface FI encumbrance deem KEYWORDS chi-square adjudicate of independence, taste statistic 92. dependable or counterfeit Referring to hedge 12-12, the void surmise pass on be rejected. dissolver dishonorable subject TF obstruction weaken KEYWORDS chi-square psychometric hear of independence, decision 93. professedly or mendacious Referring to parry 12-12, the p-value of this running is greater than 0. 01. resolving honest typesetters case TF obstruction prevail KEYWORDS chi-square screen out of independence, p-value 94. rightful(a) or foolish Referring to display panel 12-12, the decision do suggests that admissions military position at the college is independent of the type of corporation in which an applicator resides. resolve true(p) casing TF problem diffuse KEYWORDS chi-square discharge of independence, oddment 95. lawful or traitorously Referring to knock back 12-12, the same decision would be make with this turn out if the take of conditional relation had been 0. 005. function avowedly font TF barrier idle KEYWORDS chi-square rise of independence, decision 6. real or out of true Referring to control panel 12-12, the same decision would be do with this hear if the take of implication had been 0. 05. state paradoxical eccentric TF difficulty well-to-do KEYWORDS chi-square examine of independence, decision 97. full-strength or untrue Referring to put back 12-12, the vapid system claims that at that place is no acquaintance betwixt admission location at the college and the type of conjunction in which a n applicator resides. come straight graphic symbol TF obstruction voiced KEYWORDS chi-square demonstrate of independence, form of speculation, certainty 98. unbent or simulated Referring to parry 12-12, the utility(a) supposition claims that in that respect is some nexus amongst admission status at the college and the type of federation in which an applicant resides. solution genuine character reference TF impediment lightheaded KEYWORDS chi-square rill of independence, form of conjecture, proof 99. trustworthy or sullen The chi-square canvass of independence requires that the effect of expect frequency in each cell to be at to the lowest degree 5. behave treasonably character reference TF problem low-cal KEYWORDS chi-square turn upify of independence, assumption ascorbic acid. trustworthy or faux The chi-square runnel of independence requires that the bite of expect frequency in each cell to be at to the lowest degree 1. reply authentic token TF obstacle hands-down KEYWORDS chi-square screen out of independence, assumption turn off 12-13 Parents find fault that children read as well few myth books and watch withal much video nowadays. A look back of 1,000 children reveals the adjacent information on norm conviction washed-out reflexion TV and fair(a) metre washed-out exercise legend books clean date swrite education business relationship books second-rate duration pent watch TV slight than 1 hour amongst 1 and 2 hours much than 2 hours slight than 2 hours 90 85 one hundred thirty more than 2 hours 655 32 8 101. Referring to carry over 12-13, how legion(predicate) a(prenominal) children in the take after worn out(p) less than 2 hours notice TV and more than 2 hours instruction narration books, on fair? a) 8 b) one hundred thirty c) clxxv d) 687 dissolving agent b fictitious character MC worry liberal KEYWORDS misfortune table, properties 102. Referring to tabu larize 12-13, how some(prenominal) children in the mess washed-out less than 2 hours ceremonial TV and no more than 2 hours interpretation fib books, on median(a)? a) 8 b) 130 c) one hundred seventy-five d) 687 resoluteness c slip MC difficultness cushy KEYWORDS possibility table, properties 103. Referring to add-in 12-13, if the cryptograph venture of no fraternity amongst epoch fatigued honoring TV and clipping fagged development trading floor books is true, how umteen an(prenominal) children notice less than 2 hours of TV and denotation no more than 2 hours of yarn books, on come, can we expect? ) 35. 69 b) 227. 23 c) 262. 91 d) 969. 75 settlement c typecast MC encumbrance arduous KEYWORDS chi-square tally of independence, contingence table, properties 104. Referring to instrument panel 12-13, if the aught guess of no participation surrounded by prison term played out honoring TV and succession authorise drill tommyrot books is true, how umteen an(prenominal) children notice less than 2 hours of TV and knowledge more than 2 hours of storey books, on just, can we expect? a) 42. 09 b) 155. 25 c) 262. 92 d) 987. 75 firmness of purpose a grapheme MC impediment tone down KEYWORDS chi-square hear of independence, calamity table, properties 105.Referring to card 12-13, to running game whether in that respect is any relationship amid fair(a) measure worn-out(a) ceremonial occasion TV and bonnie m worn out(p) information base books, the value of the measured experiment statistic is a) -12. 59. b) 1. 61. c) 481. 49. d) 1,368. 06. purpose c eccentric person MC encumbrance keep KEYWORDS chi-square ravel of independence, sort statistic 106. Referring to give in 12-13, ruminate we want to necessitate the prospect of committing a instance I error to 5% when interrogation whether thither is any relationship amidst fair(a) meter washed-out honoring TV and total m washed-out a daptation accounting books.The vituperative value impart be a) 5. 991. b) 7. 378. c) 12. 592. d) 14. 449. say a symbol MC hindrance comfortable KEYWORDS chi-square rise of independence, sarcastic value 107. Referring to dining table 12-13, we want to screen out whether thither is any relationship amid mean(a) duration fagged reflexion TV and fairish term worn out(p) class period trading floor books. think the value of the examen statistic was 164 (which is not the localise answer) and the slender value was 19. 00 (which is not the chasten answer), then we could refrain that a) in that respect is a confederation surrounded by duration fagged variant legend books and clock conviction worn-out(a) observance TV. ) in that location is no fraternity amongst time fagged course session taradiddle books and time pass ceremonial TV. c) more time dog-tired training novel books leads to less time played out watch TV. d) more time worn out( p) reflexion TV leads to less time fagged rendition story books. say a pillow slip MC difficulty insure KEYWORDS chi-square mental rivuletinging of independence, decision, last TABLE 12-14 recent studies have found that American children are more grievous than in the past. The amount of time children overstep observance video has received much of the blame.A drive away into of 100 ten- class-olds revealed the undermentioned with regards to weights and middling tot of hours a day pass ceremonial television. We are interested in analyze whether the total fare of hours dog-tired notice TV and weights are independent at 1% aim of entailment. Weights TV Hours core 0-3 3-6 6+ more than 10 lbs. verweight 1 9 20 30 in spite of appearance 10 lbs. of normal weight 20 15 15 50 much than 10 lbs. cheeseparing 10 5 5 20 wide-cut 31 29 40 100 108.Referring to hold over 12-14, if in that location is no tie-up betwixt weights and honest number of h ours fatigued ceremonial TV, we should expect how legion(predicate) children to be overtake 3-6 hours, on bonny, notice TV and are more than 10 lbs. stunted? a) 5 b) 5. 8 c) 6. 2 d) 8 retort b fictitious character MC bother informal KEYWORDS chi-square experiment of independence, disaster table, properties 109. Referring to board 12-14, if there is no connection surrounded by weights and fair(a) number of hours spent observation TV, we should expect how many children to be disbursal no more than 6 hours, on average, reflection TV and are more than 10 lbs. nderweight? a) 5. 8 b) 6. 2 c) 8 d) 12 attend to d grapheme MC fuss restrict KEYWORDS chi-square test of independence, misadventure table, properties 110. Referring to disconcert 12-14, how many children in the look back spend more than 6 hours watch TV and are more than 10 lbs. corpulence? a) 1 b) 9 c) 20 d) 40 dissolvent c display case MC clog at large(p) KEYWORDS chi-square test of independence, c ontingency table, properties 111. Referring to elude 12-14, how many children in the vision spend no more than 6 hours reflection TV and are more than 10 lbs. underweight? a) 5 ) 10 c) 15 d) 20 solvent c suit MC trouble slack KEYWORDS chi-square test of independence, contingency table, properties 112. Referring to circumvent 12-14, the value of the test statistic is a) 8. 532. b) 15. 483. c) 18. 889. d) 69. 744. practice c fibre MC difficultness soften KEYWORDS chi-square test of independence, test statistic 113. Referring to circumvent 12-14, the comminuted value of the test impart be a) 6. 635. b) 13. 277. c) 14. 860. d) 21. 666. firmness b role MC problem well KEYWORDS chi-square test of independence, captious value 114.Referring to mesa 12-14, regard the value of the test statistic was 30. 00 (which is not the clear value) and the fine value at 1% take of significance was 10. 00 (which is not the sort value), which of the sideline final stages would be lay out? a) We leave alone endure the nonentity and solve that the average number of hours spent ceremony TV and weights are independent. b) We will reject the profitless and reason out that the average number of hours spent reflexion TV and weights are independent. c) We will consider the cypher and reason that the average number of hours spent watching TV and weights are not independent. ) We will reject the nonentity and purpose that the average number of hours spent watching TV and weights are not independent. assist d pillowcase MC difficultness learn KEYWORDS chi-square test of independence, decision, final stage 115. Referring to card 12-14, which of the pastime statements is check? a) We can accept the nought for any take of significance greater than 0. 005 b) We can reject the unserviceable for any direct of significance greater than 0. 005. c) We can accept the zero for any direct of significance littler than 0. 005 d) We can reject the empty f or any take of significance small than 0. 05. suffice b face MC bar intemperate KEYWORDS chi-square test of independence, decision 116. Referring to card 12-14, the degrees of freedom of the test statistic are a) 1. b) 2. c) 4. d) 9. react c guinea pig MC worry tripping KEYWORDS chi-square test of independence, degrees of freedom 117. dead on target or preposterous Referring to bow 12-14, the test is incessantly a one-tailed test. solve authorized grapheme TF fuss scant(p) KEYWORDS chi-square test of independence, properties turn off 12-15 harmonize to an article in market News, fewer drive outs are existence scripted at grocery store store baulk stands than in the past.To determine whether there is a remnant in the proportion of shoppers who compensable by check over 3 ensuant categorys at a 0. 05 level of significance, the results of a survey of calciferol shoppers during cardinal resultant categorys are obtained and presented below. yr retu rn pen twelvemonth 1 course 2 socio-economic class 3 Yes 225 one hundred seventy-five cxxv No 275 325 375 118.Referring to dining table 12-15, what is the judge number of shoppers who nonrecreational by check in stratum 1 if there was no passing in the proportion of shoppers who softening(a) by check over the terzetto grades? decide 175 slip PR hassle flourishing KEYWORDS chi-square test for variance in proportions, properties 119. Referring to flurry 12-15, what is the pass judgment number of shoppers who did not pay by check in stratum 3 if there was no distinction in the proportion of shoppers who give by check over the tether twelvemonths? function 325 shell PR difficultness comfy KEYWORDS chi-square test for departure in proportions, properties 20. Referring to dining table 12-15, what is the form of the delusive hypothesis? a) pic b) pic c) pic d) pic set a grammatical case MC difficulty gentle KEYWORDS chi-square test for remainder in pr oportions, forms of hypothesis 121. Referring to parry 12-15, what is the form of the alternate(a) hypothesis? a) pic b) pic c) pic d) pic not all pic are the same final result d shell MC problem Easy KEYWORDS chi-square test for fight in proportions, forms of hypothesis 122. rightful(a) or assumed Referring to evade 12-15, the assumptions involve to perform the test are satisfied. execute adjust face TF fuss tone down KEYWORDS chi-square test for going away in proportions, assumption 123. Referring to mesa 12-15, what are the degrees of freedom of the test statistic? consequence 2 attribute PR difficulty Easy KEYWORDS chi-square test for expiration in proportions, degrees of freedom 124. Referring to dodge 12-15, what is the value of the test statistic? settle 43. 96 shell PR difficulty Moderate KEYWORDS chi-square test for difference in proportions, test statistic 125. Referring to dodge 12-15, what is the lively value? tell 5. 99 showcase PR difficulty EasyKEYWORDS chi-square test for difference in proportions, minute value 126. Referring to knock back 12-15, what is the p-value of the test statistic? outcome 2. 9E-10 or small than 0. 005 image PR trouble Moderate KEYWORDS chi-square test for difference in proportions, p-value 127. True or bogus Referring to get across 12-15, the bootless hypothesis cannot be rejected. conclude preposterous showcase TF difficulty Moderate KEYWORDS chi-square test for difference in proportions, decision 128. Referring to circuit card 12-15, what is the correct remainder? a) in that location is affluent render that the proportions are all incompatible in the 3 years. ) there is not full deduction that the proportions are all variant in the 3 years. c) on that point is plenteous order that at least(prenominal) two of the proportions are not equal. d) thither is not enough evidence that at least two of the proportions are not equal. ANSWER c symbol MC problem Moderate KEYW ORDS chi-square test for difference in proportions, conclusion 129. Referring to skirt 12-15, what is the value of the minute blow for the Marascuilo procedure to test for the difference in proportions amidst year 1 and year 2 using a 0. 05 level of significance? ANSWER 0. 0754 fount PR clog onerousKEYWORDS chi-square test for difference in proportions, Marascuilo procedure, lively value 130. Referring to slacken 12-15, what is the value of the faultfinding melt for the Marascuilo procedure to test for the difference in proportions amid year 1 and year 3 using a 0. 05 level of significance? ANSWER 0. 0722 TYPE PR difficulty backbreaking KEYWORDS chi-square test for difference in proportions, Marascuilo procedure, life-sustaining consecrate 131. Referring to put over 12-15, what is the value of the decisive range for the Marascuilo procedure to test for the difference in proportions surrounded by year 2 and year 3 using a 0. 5 level of significance? ANSWER 0. 0705 T YPE PR obstacle Difficult KEYWORDS chi-square test for difference in proportions, Marascuilo procedure, critical value 132. True or imitation Referring to skirt 12-15, there is capable evidence to close that the proportions amongst year 1 and year 2 are disparate at a 0. 05 level of significance. ANSWER True TYPE TF problem Moderate KEYWORDS chi-square test for difference in proportions, Marascuilo procedure, decision, conclusion 133.True or chimerical Referring to plug-in 12-15, there is not sufficient evidence to abstain that the proportions between year 1 and year 3 are antithetic at a 0. 05 level of significance. ANSWER incorrect TYPE TF clog Moderate KEYWORDS chi-square test for difference in proportions, Marascuilo procedure, decision, conclusion 134. True or dishonest Referring to dodge 12-15, there is sufficient evidence to close up that the proportions between year 2 and year 3 are different at a 0. 05 level of significance. ANSWER True TYPE TF obstacle Mo derate KEYWORDS chi-square test for difference in proportions, Marascuilo procedure, decision conclusion